Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Skylanders Trap Team villains specylations

Hello again portal masters.

With the upcoming game Skylanders Trap Team having villains you can capture, I thought I would list the ones that have been confirmed and the possible returning villains:

                        First of all the confirmed villains.

                  Kaos will probable have a unique darkness element, sens he dose get his own key.
          He may also you his dark magic and summon the hydra for a final smash (whoops wrong game)

                                                          Next we have


Chompy Mage

As we saw in the one of the trailers he can summon chompies, turn into the mega chompy, whack enemies with his staff, and he has squeaky shoes.

Next we have   


The first trappable villain to be reveled, he has a lot of potently.
He will proudly be undead, can use his bonetair to whack and to stream sound waves.

This one I don't know the name of so let's call him

Professor Globbers 
(dr Krankcase)

He appears to have a goo blaster witch he may use.
He also has wooden legs a lot like to Spy rise.

Next we have two guys who should be pretty entertaining 

(driven by troll 1 & troll 2)

These two troll pilot the mighty shreadnaut. 
witch will be tech and can slice and dice
"He that's my line"! Whoops sorry Chop-chop.

this next one is not confirmed but I spotted it in the trailer

Giant Fire Chompy

This was one of the villains in the trailer. I don't know what it dose but
 it might be a fire version of the chompy mage.

And next we have

Chill Bill

He may be a bit smaller then some of the other villains shown so far.
But with his ice ray he is sure to leave a cold impression.

Now we have a newly confirmed boss


now he was shown in a video of the first level. 
I didn't watch all of it to avoid spoilers but I can tell he is going to be fun to play as.

Next we well um.........

Sheep Creep?

he is a sheep.. just a sheep ....with rocket launchers.
(poor Hugo)

he should be fun. :)

Know for the villains that arn't confermed 
but could be in.

Main thing as long as there not the size of the Hydra or Drill-X they can get in. so..... sorry Fire Viper

Wait what was that about the blobish guy ? he was giant and shrunk down? 

Well in that case are first villains is a hot serpent of darkness

Fire Viper

if this big guy gets it would be loads of fun.
He could charge enemies and burn them to a crisp
(and he be one of the cuter villains)

Next we have everyone's favorite spider performer.


After putting on quite the show in swap force, Mesmeralda would make a great contender for trap team
She could use her puppet back singers to swoop the enemy and her hand to crush all the hecklers 
(watch out Stanler and Wardolf heh heh)

Now there are a lot more things that could be.

however I took to long to make this and game will be out soon

so better late then never :)

thanks for reading bye

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