Saturday, September 20, 2014

good tv shows.

hello again

I'm to depressed for intro so on to business

on October 4 One Magnificent Morning will premier and I am enraged!!! all the shows will only be enjoyable to adults and is not the Saturday I want!

Seance it will replace Vortexx witch is the only Saturday show station left!  

without it there won't be any awesome weakened shows.

I grew up with great shows on 4kids TV like pokemon chaotic viva pinata and yugioh.

they where shows that taught good morals and were fun to watch. unlike the trash they have now a days on Disney Channel and such.

I am sick and tired of all the rotten, no good, SNARKYNESS OF THOSE  CHANNELS!!!!!!!!

And with the hub network going away soon there may not be any good tv left :(

I don't know if there is anyone reading this but please I need your help. 

with all the mobile stuff it will be hard but maybe we can still save tv. 

what I want you all to do is wright letters/emails to companies 

ask them to get good shows and to end the lame ones.

also try to watch the TV and not your ipad.

I don't if this will help but besides praying to God 
this is all I can do :(

so if any big people are reading please do something I beg you

thank you for time

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