Thursday, January 2, 2014


Greetings Everything!

 I suppose you are wondering what this place is. Well this is the "Sanctuary of Dimensional Fusion". That doesn't tell you much, does it? *groan* Well um, give me a sec.................uhh (wow this is harder then I thought)...

 Okay the Sanctuary of Dimensional Fusion is.... my blog, k?. I mainly want this to be a safe haven for people (and whatever else) who are like me - ones who love the good things about the media world. What is the media world, you ask?

Well, whenever you watch a tv show or play a video game, or read a book, you are looking into another "dimension". The media world is made up of lots of these dimensions. You get to view and sometimes assist the ones in a particular dimension. Also the ones known as YouTubers have the power to share their adventures in other dimensions with us.

 But now a days good worlds and YouTubers are hard to find, mainly because of the many bad worlds filled with jerks and trolls (not the small, warty bridge dwellers, but the kind that say mean stuff just to be mean) and they sponge up all the attention that should go to the good ones.

Well I have had enough!

 I'm tired of the good dimensions going unnoticed and letting the bad things get all the attention and corrupting the people of this world. So I started this blog to help the people who want to see good things but aren't able to. Here at the Sanctuary of Dimensional Fusion,where lots of media dimensions fuse together in a safe place, I wish to share the good things in the form of reviews, and help Christians like myself know that there is good in the media world. Yes, I am a Christian and a gamer, and as a Christian I can't stand it when the creatures of the good dimensions are made fun of after they work so hard to make the world a better place. They go though constant struggle but are still picked on by the sick, inappropriate TROLLS AND EVIL ARTISTS!!!!! Sorry for the outburts. Anyways I'm sure many of you have tried to find good fan art and such on the internet and have run into these evil artists. You know the ones who make inappropriate fan art of some of  our favorite characters. So to avoid the risk of you getting scarred for life, I want share the images I have found that give greatness to and honor the characters who work so hard to make a better world.

 I bet you're wondering what could have inspired me to want to do this... well, one: GOD. He helped me realize what I want to do with my life. Two: well, its a long story, so to save time here,you can read a story I wrote (coming soon!) of how 6 special ponies saved me from a life of loneliness in a fun-filled action cross-over adventure! (yeah I'm a bit of a brony. DEALWITH IT ;)).

Thank you for coming to the Sanctuary of Dimensional Fusion (man that takes a while to type) and I hope I can provide the safe haven I have promised, and change the media world for the better. I hope you enjoy all that's here :D

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