Wednesday, August 20, 2014

My Little Pony Friendship VS Loneliness, Prologue

        Hello again.

                                 Well I said I was going to tell a story about me and six ponies 

                                    I'm actually pretty excited to finally get this out there.

 With that said prepare to read the epic tale of  

My Little Pony 
Friendship VS Loneliness 


Why hello. Today you will hear about a story. A story that happened not too long ago, before the time when there was a bad seed bully, before Discord was reformed, and before Twilight became a princess. This is the tale of when friendship fought loneliness.
But before we can start,You must know of a tale that happened a much longer time ago...

Long, long ago within the dimension of the Avatar. An great evil had taken over. It had gained its strength by allying with an evil being. This being had so much monstrous hatred that she had gotten complete control of the darkness. With the thirst for revenge on all who she hates (which was everyone) chaos and destruction reigned through out all worlds. As many dimensions were nearing an end, suddenly, as if out of nowhere, 7 heroes, each one of them special, appeared, ready to battle the evil. One wasn't the brightest but could hack into machines with ease, one of them a brilliant gentlemen, but had an insane side for TNT, one was a team of 4 reptile ninjas with the power of true teamwork, one blue and metallic with the ability to copy his enemies, one with a deep love for nature and powers over all plants, one of them calm but with the power to control the cosmos, and their leader, a powerful being with the power of shape-shifting and all skills from many dimensions. Each of them fought against the evil she devil, eventual saving all dimensions and banishing the evil far away. But then the day came where the evil returned. The 7 heroes thought they could stop her but, they were all captured except for their leader. The hero did not want to see his friends hurt so he gave himself up and let the demon kill him. But the 6 remaining heroes didn't let their leader's sacrifices go in vain, and were able to once again seal the evil away . But the cost was that they were sent to random places, not knowing where to find each other . The location of all the heroes are all unknown.

“Wow! What a amazing story” said Twilight Sparkles. Twilight was a lavender unicorn. She had dark purple hair with a magenta stripe in it. Her cutie mark was a magenta north star with sparkles around it. She was reading a ancient legend in one of her many books within her library.
“Hey whatcha reading Twilight ?” said her young dragon assistant.
“O hey spike” she replied. Spike was a baby dragon, green with light purple scales, and a spear-like tail. He had green eyes, and was a very helpful dragon.
”It’s this ancient legend about 7 heroes that once saved all dimensions”, replied Twilight.
“Cool” the small dragon replied.
“I know, and it says that 6 of the 7 heroes have been hiding in different dimensions, maybe even this one”.
“You don’t really believe that Twi” ?
“ No its just a story spike”.
“Uh yeah I knew that” spike said nervously.

 But far from Ponyville, deep within a dark cave, there where 7 markings on the wall. A scaly hand reached out of the dark and softly stroked across the markings. “Soon” a voice from the dark said, revealing two big yellow beady eyes. “Soon.”

Well I hope you have enjoyed it so far. Expect more soon !


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