Saturday, September 20, 2014

good tv shows.

hello again

I'm to depressed for intro so on to business

on October 4 One Magnificent Morning will premier and I am enraged!!! all the shows will only be enjoyable to adults and is not the Saturday I want!

Seance it will replace Vortexx witch is the only Saturday show station left!  

without it there won't be any awesome weakened shows.

I grew up with great shows on 4kids TV like pokemon chaotic viva pinata and yugioh.

they where shows that taught good morals and were fun to watch. unlike the trash they have now a days on Disney Channel and such.

I am sick and tired of all the rotten, no good, SNARKYNESS OF THOSE  CHANNELS!!!!!!!!

And with the hub network going away soon there may not be any good tv left :(

I don't know if there is anyone reading this but please I need your help. 

with all the mobile stuff it will be hard but maybe we can still save tv. 

what I want you all to do is wright letters/emails to companies 

ask them to get good shows and to end the lame ones.

also try to watch the TV and not your ipad.

I don't if this will help but besides praying to God 
this is all I can do :(

so if any big people are reading please do something I beg you

thank you for time

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Skylanders Trap Team villains specylations

Hello again portal masters.

With the upcoming game Skylanders Trap Team having villains you can capture, I thought I would list the ones that have been confirmed and the possible returning villains:

                        First of all the confirmed villains.

                  Kaos will probable have a unique darkness element, sens he dose get his own key.
          He may also you his dark magic and summon the hydra for a final smash (whoops wrong game)

                                                          Next we have


Chompy Mage

As we saw in the one of the trailers he can summon chompies, turn into the mega chompy, whack enemies with his staff, and he has squeaky shoes.

Next we have   


The first trappable villain to be reveled, he has a lot of potently.
He will proudly be undead, can use his bonetair to whack and to stream sound waves.

This one I don't know the name of so let's call him

Professor Globbers 
(dr Krankcase)

He appears to have a goo blaster witch he may use.
He also has wooden legs a lot like to Spy rise.

Next we have two guys who should be pretty entertaining 

(driven by troll 1 & troll 2)

These two troll pilot the mighty shreadnaut. 
witch will be tech and can slice and dice
"He that's my line"! Whoops sorry Chop-chop.

this next one is not confirmed but I spotted it in the trailer

Giant Fire Chompy

This was one of the villains in the trailer. I don't know what it dose but
 it might be a fire version of the chompy mage.

And next we have

Chill Bill

He may be a bit smaller then some of the other villains shown so far.
But with his ice ray he is sure to leave a cold impression.

Now we have a newly confirmed boss


now he was shown in a video of the first level. 
I didn't watch all of it to avoid spoilers but I can tell he is going to be fun to play as.

Next we well um.........

Sheep Creep?

he is a sheep.. just a sheep ....with rocket launchers.
(poor Hugo)

he should be fun. :)

Know for the villains that arn't confermed 
but could be in.

Main thing as long as there not the size of the Hydra or Drill-X they can get in. so..... sorry Fire Viper

Wait what was that about the blobish guy ? he was giant and shrunk down? 

Well in that case are first villains is a hot serpent of darkness

Fire Viper

if this big guy gets it would be loads of fun.
He could charge enemies and burn them to a crisp
(and he be one of the cuter villains)

Next we have everyone's favorite spider performer.


After putting on quite the show in swap force, Mesmeralda would make a great contender for trap team
She could use her puppet back singers to swoop the enemy and her hand to crush all the hecklers 
(watch out Stanler and Wardolf heh heh)

Now there are a lot more things that could be.

however I took to long to make this and game will be out soon

so better late then never :)

thanks for reading bye

Wednesday, August 20, 2014

My Little Pony Friendship VS Loneliness, Prologue

        Hello again.

                                 Well I said I was going to tell a story about me and six ponies 

                                    I'm actually pretty excited to finally get this out there.

 With that said prepare to read the epic tale of  

My Little Pony 
Friendship VS Loneliness 


Why hello. Today you will hear about a story. A story that happened not too long ago, before the time when there was a bad seed bully, before Discord was reformed, and before Twilight became a princess. This is the tale of when friendship fought loneliness.
But before we can start,You must know of a tale that happened a much longer time ago...

Long, long ago within the dimension of the Avatar. An great evil had taken over. It had gained its strength by allying with an evil being. This being had so much monstrous hatred that she had gotten complete control of the darkness. With the thirst for revenge on all who she hates (which was everyone) chaos and destruction reigned through out all worlds. As many dimensions were nearing an end, suddenly, as if out of nowhere, 7 heroes, each one of them special, appeared, ready to battle the evil. One wasn't the brightest but could hack into machines with ease, one of them a brilliant gentlemen, but had an insane side for TNT, one was a team of 4 reptile ninjas with the power of true teamwork, one blue and metallic with the ability to copy his enemies, one with a deep love for nature and powers over all plants, one of them calm but with the power to control the cosmos, and their leader, a powerful being with the power of shape-shifting and all skills from many dimensions. Each of them fought against the evil she devil, eventual saving all dimensions and banishing the evil far away. But then the day came where the evil returned. The 7 heroes thought they could stop her but, they were all captured except for their leader. The hero did not want to see his friends hurt so he gave himself up and let the demon kill him. But the 6 remaining heroes didn't let their leader's sacrifices go in vain, and were able to once again seal the evil away . But the cost was that they were sent to random places, not knowing where to find each other . The location of all the heroes are all unknown.

“Wow! What a amazing story” said Twilight Sparkles. Twilight was a lavender unicorn. She had dark purple hair with a magenta stripe in it. Her cutie mark was a magenta north star with sparkles around it. She was reading a ancient legend in one of her many books within her library.
“Hey whatcha reading Twilight ?” said her young dragon assistant.
“O hey spike” she replied. Spike was a baby dragon, green with light purple scales, and a spear-like tail. He had green eyes, and was a very helpful dragon.
”It’s this ancient legend about 7 heroes that once saved all dimensions”, replied Twilight.
“Cool” the small dragon replied.
“I know, and it says that 6 of the 7 heroes have been hiding in different dimensions, maybe even this one”.
“You don’t really believe that Twi” ?
“ No its just a story spike”.
“Uh yeah I knew that” spike said nervously.

 But far from Ponyville, deep within a dark cave, there where 7 markings on the wall. A scaly hand reached out of the dark and softly stroked across the markings. “Soon” a voice from the dark said, revealing two big yellow beady eyes. “Soon.”

Well I hope you have enjoyed it so far. Expect more soon !


Friday, July 4, 2014

Primal Dialga in the main games ??!!

Hello my friends.

                                    today I would like to talk about a discovery I might have made.

As you know in the upcoming Pokemon games

Omega Ruby & Alpha Sapphire 

I'm getting Sapphire.

Anyways From what we know.

Groundon and Kyogre
are getting new forms from 
Primal Reversion

If you don't know what that is.
It's when the Pokemon transforms to how it looked when the Pokemon world was made.
(wait dose mean it might work on fossel pokemon? who knows).

Here's what the legionaries have become

Primal Kyogre

Primal Groudon

By any chance did you notice something in the names?

Perhaps the "Primal"? Sound familiar?


Primal Dialga!!!!!

This may be a bit of a stretch but think about it.

How could Gamefreak give Kyogre and Groudon the
title with out thinking about Primal Dialga.

The chance of his happening is rather small
and it could just be a fluke. 

But it would be so awesome if Dialga could Primal Reversion.

Will just have to wait and see.

Thanks for reading bye :D

Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Skylanders trap team

Well hello my fellow portal masters.

If you have not figured out from the title, I'm a skylanders fan. These games are amazing and I love collecting skylanders in our world and sending them back to theirs. Some of my favorites are Zap, Cynder, Flashwing, Fire Kraken, Trap Shadow, Pop Fizz, and Wash Buckler.

Anyways on to the point. I just heard about the new game Trap Team.

 Skylanders Trap team is the 4th game in the series. And I must say at this point I'm not worried about the series going away anytime soon.

                                       There are many things in the trailer that have grabbed my interest, spun it around, and threw a party as good as one of pinkie pie's.

                                            For one thing the graphics look amazing! I really love this because the ones in swapforce  I really did not enjoy that much (you will see in the review) .

It also appears some of the characters will be returning. "well of course ya can't have a skylanders game without  skyland's number 1 pilot. BOOM"! Thank you flynn. "anytime portal master".

                              okay moving on.

The new skylanders also look awesome. Mainly Snap Shot (he's the blue crocodile). Snap shot is a trap master, a new breed of skylanders with special Traptanuim weapons that are super effective on trappable villains.

            Now on to the new feature that has made me more happy then a munchlax in an berry farm.

                                                      They ability to trap the villains!


Do you see the key in the portal. It's made of Traptanuim a special crystal that can trap evil and turn it good.

                                        that's right you GET TO PLAY AS THE BOSSES!!!!!!!!!!!!

     Pardon the out burst. You don't know how much I've wanted to play as the chompy mage. I Literally thought of how he could be a skylander. battling the bad guys and then playing as them is my favorite style of fighting. This concept also has been used in games like Epic Mickey and Megaman ZX advent. (expect reviews of them later).

                  A rather funny thing is I hear about this the day after I got the skylander Trap Shadow

                                       Also it has been confirmed that you can play as Kaos.

     "Whaaatt!?!? This is an out rage!!! I KAOS will never be good! NEVER!!!"
        You can try to deny it but its true. "NOOOO!!! You will nerver get any good out of me!
                      All you ever get from me KAOS is DOOOOOM!"

       Right. Zap can you get rid of him? "aw-huh. "uh-oh" "RIDE THE LIGHTNING"!
                                                             "You have not seen the last of KAOS"!!!!!!

                                                             anyways with that out of the way...      


     Skylanders Trap Team looks to be amazing and will bring even more joy to skylands.

   I can not wait for this game (but I am glad I have to because my basement should be done by then)

        Thank you for viewing and I hope you and your skylanders are having a great day :D

Thursday, January 2, 2014


Greetings Everything!

 I suppose you are wondering what this place is. Well this is the "Sanctuary of Dimensional Fusion". That doesn't tell you much, does it? *groan* Well um, give me a sec.................uhh (wow this is harder then I thought)...

 Okay the Sanctuary of Dimensional Fusion is.... my blog, k?. I mainly want this to be a safe haven for people (and whatever else) who are like me - ones who love the good things about the media world. What is the media world, you ask?

Well, whenever you watch a tv show or play a video game, or read a book, you are looking into another "dimension". The media world is made up of lots of these dimensions. You get to view and sometimes assist the ones in a particular dimension. Also the ones known as YouTubers have the power to share their adventures in other dimensions with us.

 But now a days good worlds and YouTubers are hard to find, mainly because of the many bad worlds filled with jerks and trolls (not the small, warty bridge dwellers, but the kind that say mean stuff just to be mean) and they sponge up all the attention that should go to the good ones.

Well I have had enough!

 I'm tired of the good dimensions going unnoticed and letting the bad things get all the attention and corrupting the people of this world. So I started this blog to help the people who want to see good things but aren't able to. Here at the Sanctuary of Dimensional Fusion,where lots of media dimensions fuse together in a safe place, I wish to share the good things in the form of reviews, and help Christians like myself know that there is good in the media world. Yes, I am a Christian and a gamer, and as a Christian I can't stand it when the creatures of the good dimensions are made fun of after they work so hard to make the world a better place. They go though constant struggle but are still picked on by the sick, inappropriate TROLLS AND EVIL ARTISTS!!!!! Sorry for the outburts. Anyways I'm sure many of you have tried to find good fan art and such on the internet and have run into these evil artists. You know the ones who make inappropriate fan art of some of  our favorite characters. So to avoid the risk of you getting scarred for life, I want share the images I have found that give greatness to and honor the characters who work so hard to make a better world.

 I bet you're wondering what could have inspired me to want to do this... well, one: GOD. He helped me realize what I want to do with my life. Two: well, its a long story, so to save time here,you can read a story I wrote (coming soon!) of how 6 special ponies saved me from a life of loneliness in a fun-filled action cross-over adventure! (yeah I'm a bit of a brony. DEALWITH IT ;)).

Thank you for coming to the Sanctuary of Dimensional Fusion (man that takes a while to type) and I hope I can provide the safe haven I have promised, and change the media world for the better. I hope you enjoy all that's here :D