Monday, June 22, 2015

The Cyber-Knights of Encouragement,! how to join

Hello once again

Today the internet as become polluted with evil, hatred filled comments and way to many swear worlds.

This has contaminated the minds of many. Myself included.

Well say lets put an end to this injustices! Now the way some may think is to send a tank of hatred to all the offenders. That would be very foolish because it would just please the trolls and make things worse.

The best way to snuff out the bad is not to add to it but to make more good

In the movie TomorrowLand. 

We learned that the mind (meteorically) has two wolfs. one is hope and goodness.

 They other evilness and despair.

 When the two fight, Which one will when? The one you feed more.

In simple terms the more good things there are, the more good thoughts there be and vice versa for the bad stuff.

So this why we need Cyber-Knights of Encouragement. 

to be one all you need to do is go around places like youtube.twitter,facebook and what not. then put nice comments and uplifting things all around on stuff you like.
it can be has simple has just putting in a smiley face like these :) :D

By doing this more good feelings will spread throughout the web and fill peoples hearts with joy and slowly end all the bad things.

be sure to let me know your progress.

with your help we can make the internet a better place.

I wish you knights good luck and may God bless you and your good deeds :)


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