Monday, June 22, 2015

The Cyber-Knights of Encouragement,! how to join

Hello once again

Today the internet as become polluted with evil, hatred filled comments and way to many swear worlds.

This has contaminated the minds of many. Myself included.

Well say lets put an end to this injustices! Now the way some may think is to send a tank of hatred to all the offenders. That would be very foolish because it would just please the trolls and make things worse.

The best way to snuff out the bad is not to add to it but to make more good

In the movie TomorrowLand. 

We learned that the mind (meteorically) has two wolfs. one is hope and goodness.

 They other evilness and despair.

 When the two fight, Which one will when? The one you feed more.

In simple terms the more good things there are, the more good thoughts there be and vice versa for the bad stuff.

So this why we need Cyber-Knights of Encouragement. 

to be one all you need to do is go around places like youtube.twitter,facebook and what not. then put nice comments and uplifting things all around on stuff you like.
it can be has simple has just putting in a smiley face like these :) :D

By doing this more good feelings will spread throughout the web and fill peoples hearts with joy and slowly end all the bad things.

be sure to let me know your progress.

with your help we can make the internet a better place.

I wish you knights good luck and may God bless you and your good deeds :)


Thursday, June 18, 2015

Art Request

Hello again

I'm really sorry I don't post much. But it seems reviewing isn't my thing.

But I have been writing lately and I hope you have been enjoying My Little Pony Friendship vs Loneliness.

I could use some inspiration and I did say I'd show some art.

So if there are any artist who have read my story. Please send my some art of the moments from. Please nothing M-rated, mean, or would not be family friendly.

Please keep all things E-rated and family friendly. :)

Just to let you know the chameleon in the story resembles this.

Only smaller and not as monsterus.

Send your art to

and I'll try to post it as soon as I can,

I can't wait to see the awesome art :D


Tuesday, June 9, 2015

My Little Pony Friendship vs Loneliness chapter 6 The Canyon of Cameos

The main 6 climbed out of the wreckage.
“Is everypony OK?” groaned Twilight.
“A little dirty but otherwise wer'e fine,” answered Fluttershy.
“OH how am I ever going to get this stuff out of my mane?!” whined Rarity.
“Aw pony up Rarity,” said Applejack. “I'm sure you mane care products back home will fix it,”
“That was awesome! Can we do it again ?” said Pinkie Pie
“Wheres the thief !?” said Rainbow Dash as she flew out of the wreckage.
Then they noticed something in the sky. The thief had turned into a giant purple bird with many golden tale feathers, and a mask. It was flying away with the darkend crystal in its talons.
“Is that the thief?” asked Applejack.
“What a beautiful bird,” said Fluttershy.
“My what marvelous colors,” said Rarity as she and Fluttershy admired the masked avian.
“He's getting away!” said Twilight
“Not for long!” said Rainbow Dash as she threw a rock at the bird. The rock hit with tremendous force. The thief then let out a cry and crashed far away in a canyon.
“Nice shot Dashie,” said Pinkie Pie.
“Its all in the hooves” bragged Rainbow Dash.
The ponies ran into the canyon after the thief.
The ponies had walked far through the canyon trying to find the thief. Applejack noticed that Twilight was falling behind.
“Who is he?” Twilight thought to herself. “Was he the one in my dreams or maybe?”
“Is everything okay Twilight”? She asked as she walked up to her.
“Oh, sorry, nothings wrong, it’s just there's something familiar about that chameleon,” said Twilight
“Familiar how?” asked Rarity as she and the others joined.
“I don’t know it’s like I've been around him before”. Twilight replied. “Like in one of my dream or something,”
“Maybe all the dimensional traveling is just messing with your head,” said Rainbow Dash.
“There were some pretty strange things happening yesterday,” said Fluttershy.
“That's probably why you feel like you've been around him,” said Applejack.
“Maybe,” pondered Twilight. “I don't know, it just really feels like I've been around him more than that”
“Maybe when we catch him we can ask that gecko if he's met you before?” suggested Pinkie Pie.
“I’m not a gecko!” the thief shouted from far ahead.
“There he is, Let’s get-em”! said Rainbow Dash.
“Right!” eveypony but Twilight said as they ran a head. Twilight nodded and said “Right!” As she ran ahead to catch up with they others .
“Don't worry sugar I'm sure you'll figure things out,” reassured Applejack.
“Thank you Applejack,” said Twilight with reassured smile.

Meanwhile up ahead.
“Man those girls don’t give up easy,” said the chameleon as he ran. “Y'know they almost remind me of….. no best not to think about them yet,” he shook his head at the thought. “Hey right here should be a good spot catch my breath”. He said as he came to a rock. “I wonder why the gem's powers won’t work?” he panted. “Well it's getting darker and more bluer within the crystal so that must mean it will work soon,”.
“There he is!” said Rainbow Dash. This startled the chameleon.
“Uh oh time to split,” He said before he bounded off.
The ponies had begone to up with the Thief.
“We've got you now!” shouted Applejack.
“That's what you think!” shouted the thief. He then pulled out a iPad-like device and started to type stuff in.
“What is he doing?” said Twilight.
Suddenly four legged jumping spider creatures appeared in-front of the ponies. The tektites lunged at the ponies.
“Aaahh!” they all screamed as they tried to dodge them. Thankfully they were able to evade.
“Nice try scaly,” taunted Rainbow Dash.
“Blast!” the thief then typed some more stuff and green bird shaped missiles appeared. Witch charged at the girls. They tried to evade again. However one was about to hit Fluttershy.
“Help!” she cried
“Oh no you don't !” said Rainbow Dash as she kicked the missile into another.
“Thanks Rainbow,”
“No problem Fluttershy,”
The thief had got some ground ahead of them. He slid to a stop and then typed some more stuff on his iPad. He then ran away swiftly.
As the ponies caught up,blue robots with yellow hats, caterpillar tracks, and drill noses jumped out of the ground.
“Look out !” said Rainbow Dash. The robots charged ate them. However they were slow robots. Which didn't prove to be much of a challenge.
Applejack bucked one into another letting out a strong “Yeahaa!” afterwords.
Rainbow Dash charged into them and knocked them down like bowling pins.
“Strike!” shouted Pinkie Pie.
Twilight blasted them to bits with her magic.
“When did she learn a money making spell?” asked Pinkie Pie. Not that kinda bits. “oh,”
“Retreat!” said the remaining robots as they jumped into the ground and dug away.
“Phew glad that's over,” said a relived Applejack.
“Come on he's getting away!” said Rainbow Dash before she flew after the thief.
Right before she caught up. What appeared to be a giant , gray, stone domino, with a angry face, big eye brows, round hands, short feet, and red eyes appeared in front of her and tried to slam its self on her.
“Whhaahh!” she screamed.
Applejack grabbed her by the tail and pulled her out of the way. Right before the Whomp slammed her.
“Thanks I owe you one” said Rainbow Dash
“Aww don't worry about it sugar”
“Hurry!” said Twilight as she ran ahead
“Right” they both said.
“Jinx!” shouted Rainbow Dash. Which got her an annoyed look from Applejack.
As the others ran ahead Fluttershy stopped for moment.
“Do you need help getting up?” she asked the Whomp.
“Nahh I'm good,”
“Oh ,okay, have a nice day, bye,” she flew to the others
“Thanks, bye bye,” it replied.
The ponies were gaining on the thief
“Come back!” shouted Twilight
“Oh my hooves are aching,” whined Rarity
“Not the time to complain Rarity,” said Applejack
“Sorry,” apologized Rarity
up ahead.
The thief was running out of tricks.
“Oh dear!” he said as looked back to see the ponies gaining on him. He quicly put away the ipad. “Oh come on come on where to go” he said while he looked around.
Then he saw a chrome tower with black eyes with red pupils.
“Yes nothing would ever go into the tower of devils”. The chameleon snickered as he sprinted in.
“Wait come back!” said Twilight as she ran in after him. Everypony began to go in. Fluttershy however stopped and nervously said,“S-should we really be going into the big, creepy, and scary tower”? Rainbow Dash flew back and grabbed Fluttershy.
“Come on Fluttershy !” She said.
The doors then slammed shut.
Inside the tower.
The chameleon was leaning on a wall.
“F-f-finally lost them,” he panted
“You so sure about that partner?” asked Applejack. The chameleon turned to see the ponies.

“Whaaaat!?” he gasped. “How could you have followed me into this tower!?!?” shouted the chameleon. “O dear maybe this was not the best plan,” He mumbled.
“Why does that voice sound so familiar,” Twilight thought to herself.
“Why it’s just a tower,” said Applejack.
“This is the tower of devils you fools!” the chameleon shouted like Skeleton. “Every devil robot is here!” “What in Celestia's name is a devil robot ?” asked Rarity.
“It’s a ... o …oh no .. no no no no no!” the chameleon started freaking out.
“Uh whats wrong with him”. Rainbow Dash asked.
“It’s its here aaahhhh!!!” screamed the chameleon.
“W-w-what’s here” ? asked Fluttershy also getting scared.
“Th-th-th-th ……the Yellow Devil!!!!” shouted the chameleon.
“The yellow what ?” asked Twilight.
“I’m getting out of here!” the chameleon said as he transformed it a green and orange metal armadillo like mole and jumped into the ceiling. Then suddenly yellow blobs started flying out of the left wall at the ponies
“Aaaahhhh!” they all screamed as they scattered. Thankfully the blobs missed them. “That was mighty close,” said Applejack.
“I don't think its over,” said a worried Pinkie Pie.
Suddenly the blobs formed into a round, yellow, one eyed, giant monster.
“Bumo bumo bumo!” the monster said.
Blobby reconstructing mas
Yellow Devil

“What is that thing!” screamed Rarity.
“Weren't you listening that’s the Yellow devil!” said the thief from the hole. “By the way you might need these megabusters,”. Then some round blasters fell near the ponies.
“What are these?” asked Fluttershy.
“And why did he say we needed them?” added Twilight.
“BUMOOOOOO0O0O!” The Yellow Devil shouted.
“Bumo bumo bumo bumo?” Pinkie Pie said. Unfortunately this somehow offended the yellow devil.
“Bumo bumo? Bumo?! BUMO BUMO BUMO!!! BUBUBUBUBUBUBUMOOOOOO!!!!!” it shouted and then tried to grab the ponies.
“What in Equstria did you say to him !?” shouted Rarity.
“Don't know,” she replied with innocent joy.
“Run!” screamed Twilight.
The ponies scattered as the monster tried to smash them.
On the next floor.
The thief jumped up from the hole the flour and transformed back into a chameleon.
“Glad I got away from that monster,” he said. “I sure hope those ponies are okay”. He grew a look of concern “Maybe I shouldn't have left them.” He paused for a moment . “Oh I’m sure they can handle themselves” he said perking up. “They beat me after all,” he grinned
“Wait whats that sound?” he alerted.
Suddenly yellow blobs shot at him. “Oh ding-wall not you again”!
They formed into a what looked like a different version of the yellow devil.
Major pain in the neck
“Yeah I couldn't resist,” the Thief chuckled. But the monster didn't like this and tried to stomp him. “Yipe!” he the jumped backwards. “Okay okay I'll play the real title!” he said “sheesh you think these things could take a joke,” he said as he snapped his fingers.
Upgraded blobby mech
Yellow Devil mrk-2
The mrk-2 then started shooting shots from its eye. Which the thief dodged be jumping up.

  1. “Alright lets Tussle!” he said after he landed and then took a battle stance. “Shame this part ends in a cliff hanger right?” he said as he looked at you and winked.