Monday, October 5, 2015

My Little Pony Friendship vs Loneliness Chapter 8 The battle that leads to loss

Rainbow then charged at the chameleon. “Youch!” he said as he was sent flying backwards. “Well you want to fight, then lets fight!” the lizard then snapped his fingers and the green mushrooms fell on the ponies.
“What's with them mushrooms?” asked Applejack. Then the thief started hovering.

Robot weapon master.
“Tornado Blow!” he said as he raised his arm and rotated it.
“Tornado what?” asked Twilight. Then the ponies then began to flout in they upwards.
“What the hay!” said Applejack.
“Oh my!” said Rarity.
“Whee!” said Pinkie Pie while she spun around.
Then many small green tornadoes came out of the ground. “Look out!” shouted Rainbow Dash. The ponies were then tossed back and forth by the tornadoes.
“How do ya like me now?!” shouted the thief.
Applejack flouted to the thief. “This much!” She said as she kicked him.
This caused the wind to stop and made the ponies and chameleon to hit the ground.
“Aw man.” said Pinkie Pie
the thief then teleported above them and shouted. “Napalm Bomb!” and dropped two peanut shaped Bombs.
The ponies were able to doge them. But the bombs made pits at the end of the walls.
“Air shot!” said the thief as he pointed and made three small tornadoes from the flour. Rarity, Twilight and Pinkie Pie were caught in the tornadoes and went up wards. Rarity then shot two magic beams at the lizard. He dogged them but was hit by one of Pinkie Pie's cupcakes. Then Twilight shot a bigger beam and hit him. “aahhhrrgg” he said in pain. He then teleported to the background.
He then pointed his arm at the ponies. “Concrete shot!” the thief said as he shot concrete blobs at them.
One of the shots caught Fluttershy by her left back hove.
“Oh no,” she said. “I'm stuck,”.
Rarity and Pinkie Pie tried to pull her out. But had no success.
“Wheres a jack hammer when you need one?” said Rainbow Dash when she flew by.
“Probably with a pony named jack,” said Pinkie Pie.
The Thief then reappeared in-front of the ponies
“Hard knuckle!” he said has he fired blue fist at the ponies. The all ran from them . But Fluttershy was still stuck. “Fluttershy!” shouted Twilight, Pinkie Pie, Rarity, Applejack and Rainbow Dash. Fortunately one of the fist hit the concrete and freed Fluttershy.
“Oh thank you,” she said before she flew away.
“Oh no problem, Wait what ?!?!!” said The Thief.
Rainbow Dash charged at thief. the hit slammed him across the room. “ooww” said the thief who was on the edge. “Whoawwwhoa whoa whoa!” he said before fall back.
“Oh no!” said Twilight.
But before the others had time to realize that he still had the crystal. The thief's tongue shot up and pulled him back to the battle.
“Who needs a dog jet when you have a tongue,” he said after he landed. “Concrete shot!” he then threw dozen of shot.
The ponies braced for impact but they didn't feel any concrete. They opened there eyes to see the shots just filled in the holes.
“Can't have any leaks now,” he said before noticing the confused looks on his opponents. “Oh you'll see, Rain Flush!” he then raised his hand and it began to Rain.
“Hah whats a little rain going to do, water are crops?” joked Rainbow Dash.
Then the rain began to flood the room. “Hope you ponies can swim,” he grinned.
The room was completely submerged and the ponies were about to run out of air.
But at the last minute. Twilight cast a bubble spell around everypony.
“Thanks Twi,” said Applejack. Twilight smiled back.
“Oh good this won't be too unfair,” The said be letting out a menacing laugh.
What the Main six saw was shocking.
The Thief had turned into a blue sea serpent, with sea foam spikes, red eyes, and a propeller like tail.
The sea serpent charged at the ponies, flaring its teeth fearsomely.
“Lean everypony!” said Twilight. Everypony did so and were able to dodge the beast. Who slammed his head on the wall.
“OW!!!!” he shock his and glared at the ponies. “Hold still!!!” he then opened his mouth and charged a white energy ball.
“We gotta move!” shouted Rainbow Dash.
The serpent fired the energy ball at the ponies. Thankfully they dodge.
The irritated serpent charged and fired more energy balls. They kept dodging. The serpent charged but missed. He tried charging multiple times. Failing each time. He then charged again and finally popped the bubble.
“Got you,” he said before seeing the wall. “Oh ding !” he then smashed into the wall “Wall,” he then slid down. The slam had hit the wall hard enough to crack it. Witch then drained all the water away.
The ponies took a giant breath of air.
“*Gasp* I thought we were done for!” gasped Rarity.
“Your not out of the water yet!” shouted the thief who had turned back into a chameleon. “Um so to speak,”
“Dive Missile !” the thief then threw a Dive Missile at Rainbow Dash.
“Gaahhh!” She screamed before flying a way quickly. Unfortunately the missile followed her. Even into the background.
“Um I uh,” said the confused thief as he watched,
“Excuse me!” Rainbow Dash said as she flew over the Thief, who quickly ducked.
“Hey watch where your- GAAAHHHH!” he said before the Dive Missile flew into his face.
Everypony giggled a little. Which got a look from the chameleon.
“Okay that was kinda funny,” he then jumped backwards and shouted, “Spread Drill!” as he shot a giant drill that slowly moved towards the ponies.
“Ha is that the best you can do?” scoffed Rainbow Dash.
The thief then snapped his fingers and the drill split into smaller, faster drills.
The ponies beryl dodged. But of the drills got in Rarity's hair and twisted it up.
“How,Dare, YOU!!!!!!!!” she screamed with rage.
“um hehe whoops,” said the thief, feeling rather intimidated.
Rarity used her magic to send the thief flying. He hit the wall with great force.
“So we're getting flashy eh?” he said. “Crystal Eye!” he then threw a blue crystal at Rarity.
It was about to hit her. But Applejack kicked it out of the way just in time. The crystal ball shattered into smaller balls the bounced around the room.
Everyone frantically tried to dodge them. One of the balls hit the Thief in the eye.
“Ouch! There's a crystal eye in my eye!”
“Huh how about that,” said Pinkie Pie as she hung from the ceiling.
“Ger, Metal Blades!” he said as he threw metal saw blades ate the ponies. Twilight stopped them with her magic.
“Isn't this a bit ex-stream?” she said as she put the down.
“Uh well.... errr whatever!” the Thief said before jumping on the ceiling.
“Crash bomber!” he then shot orange bombs that stuck to what ever they hit. They then began to explode.
Applejack then kicked a bomb at the thief. Which gladly stuck to its target.
“Aw come on!” said the thief before the bomb blew. “Bang !”
The thief then fell to the ground. He tried to get up but fell to the ground. He dropped the crystal in front of himself. “Yes we beat him”! Rainbow Dash cheered and then flew towards the crystal.
She tried to grab the crystal but then a dark spiky force field stopped her.
“Yow!” she said as she was pushed back.
“No!” the thief said loudly. “I must save them!” He said as he was getting up.
“Save who?” asked Pinkie Pie.
He then made the crystal levitate to him and he grabbed it. “The crystal!” said Twilight.
The thief then tried to swipe his arms to open a portal many times. “Give it up you have no where to go” said Applejack. “HERRR YAAHHH!!!!!”. He then finally made a portal but it looked different, darker and unstable.
He then jumped though. “wait!” said Twilight. The girls followed him though. The portal closed.
Then a blue robot boy walked in and looked around. “I could of sworn that Dr Wiley's robots where here,” said Megaman.

Inside the portal the girls saw the thief.
“Who do you need to save”? shouted Twilight.
The thief then looked back. “Why won't you ponies give up”?! the Thief asked. “Hey whys the portal so wired?” asked Pinkie Pie. “What, this portal is unstable, you need to get out!” said the Thief.
“Please let us help!” pleaded Twilight.
“Never, I don't trust any of you or any lousy creature!” Shouted the Thief. “I only trust them and I will save them!”
Then there was a bright light. “AAAAAHHHHHH” everyone screamed.
Twilight opened her eyes. “W-where I am?” she groaned.
What she saw shocked her. It was ponyvile only it looked like a wasteland. The grass was dry, the buildings where abandoned, and the sky was gray and cloudy .“w-w-what happened. Said Twilight. Then she noted that her friends where gone. “Pinkie Pie?” “Applejack?” “Rarity?” “Fluttershy?!” “Rainbow dash?!” she called out there names but there was no answer. “Where are you!”
But not too far away the thief was limping in pain. “I can't fail!” He groaned. Then a thought came to him “Oh why did I not think of this sooner”. he said as he pulled out the E-tank from early and drank it. He then got up in full health. “Ahh that's better,”
“I hope those girls are okay” he said. “Maybe I should go and see if there fine they maybe they really can help me,” he thought a moment “That purple one seemed pretty sincere, no no don’t go dreaming up fantasy boy” he said to himself. He then continued through the ruined world.
Twilight was still franticly looking for her friends. “Can't any pony hear me,” she cried.
“I can here you just fine,” said a voice that sent a chill down Twilight's neck.
Then suddenly on old face appeared. But it was not a friendly one.
It was Discord. A chaotic creature that had caused much pain and stress to Twilight and her friends. he had tried to take over Equestria and rebuild it in his own chaotic image. The beast was a mash-up of many dangers creature. But this time he seemed darker, had old white hair, beard was a bit longer, and his scene of fun was gone.
“I thought I got rid how the last of you,” he said in a voice that was more elderly.
“D-discord but me and my friends turned you to stone?” Twilight said feeling very frighten.
“But I was never,” Discord stopped. “O now I see your from another dimension”.
“Another dimension?” asked Twilight. “Yes you see this a world where you did not defeat me and I took over,” said Other Dimension discord.
“W-where are my friends!” Twilight demanded.
“O them?” he said. “I took there goodness away and trapped them in places allover!”
“No, that can't be!” said a shocked Twilight. “And I think, I’ll do the same to you!” said Discord as he touched her fore head and stole here color.
“No, I will stop you!” Twilight tried to use her magic but it was no use.
“I'd say nice try but it wasn't,” Discord mocked “and you know what, your are pathetic and no one likes you!”
Twilight was starting to tear up.
“You say friendship is magic, but where your friends now?” he mocked her. “Now get out of my sight, looser!”
Twilight then ran away, trying not to cry.
“Now that takes care of that”. Discord said as laughed evilly and disappeared. However not to far away on a hill The thief had seen the whole thing.
“What just” he couldn't even finish his sentence.
“But at least there final of my tail,” said the chameleon before he opened a portal. “Now my goals shall soon be complete,” He tried to feel happy.
He then looked back and frond. “But can really leave them like this sad,robbed of the personality, lonely?” The chameleon said.
“I'm the reason there in this mess and OOOWWW!” he felt a pain in his chest but shook it off. But they don't even care about me!” he said with rage. “They'd stab me in the back as soon as they were better!”
He then thought once more “But then again,” He then looked at the portal then look to where the Twilight ran to multiple times. “AAAAhhh ding-wall!!!!!!!!” He was then gone and the portal had closed.