Monday, July 20, 2015

My Little Pony Friendship vs Loneliness chapter 7 The Battle of Blobs

  • The girls were struggling to defeat the yellow devil.
    The devil was shooting shots from its eye. Pinkie Pie rolled over to the mega busters and used one to fire at the devil. “BUMOOOO!!!!” it said as it covered its I in pain. “Bumobumo!”
    “Well you started it,” said Pinkie Pie.
    “Bumo!” the yellow devil then split into blobs and shot towards the ponies.
    “Look out!” shouted Rainbow Dash.
    The ponies dodged. But Pinkie Pie and Rarity was caught in some of the blobs and went flying with them.
    “Whooaaa!” shouted Pinkie Pie.
    “Heeellp!” screamed Rarity.
    “Hang on!” shouted Rainbow Dash as she flew to them.

    Meanwhile on the second floor.
    The chameleon was knocked to the wall by mrk-2.
    “Ow!” he said. “Wheres an E-tank when you need it?” he said as he rubbed his head. Then a little red robot with a red head and black face walked up to the thief. His head opened up and a blue can with a black E fell near the thief.
    “Oh um, thanks Eddie,” he said as he put the E-Tank away. The robot the smiled and walked away.
    “Can't get serves like that nowadays, Yipe!” he said right before dodging the mrk-2's arm.
    “Hard Knuckle!” he then shot a blue fist at the mrk-2's eye. It impacted with great force. It cried in pain as it covered its bruised eye. It then began to split into blobs.
    “Oh no you don't, Charge Kick!” he then slid under the blobs to safety. The blobs then regrouped. And looked back in frustration at the smug chameleon.
    “Plug Ball!” he then shot some purple balls of electricity out of his hands at the mrk-2. The balls hit and made it shutter with pain. It then split into two walls of blobs on both sides of the room and tried to smash the chameleon.
    “Ah ding-wall!” he then shot his tongue at the ceiling and evaded the attack. The mrk-2 reformed and looked up with its one eye.
    “Remote Mine!” the Thief then threw a bomb that stuck to the mrk-2 then exploaded.
    “BUUMMOOO!!” it cried.
    The thief then landed on the the ground and slid back. “I got more tricks up my nonexistent sleeves” he said with a smirk.

    Back on the first floor.

    The ponies were still in a heated battle with the Yellow Devil.
    Rainbow Dash swerved to avoid the blobs as they shot across the room.
    “How much more can this thing take,” she said.
    “I hope not much more, this is getting dreadfully frantic,” added Rarity as she fired with the megabuster at the monsters eye.
    “No kidding!” said Applejack as she dodged the eye shots.
    “I sure could use some water about now,” said Pinkie Pie while she brushed some sweat off.
    “Wait water,” said Twilight. “Rainbow can you make a rain cloud?”
    “How will that help!?” Rainbow Dash asked.
    “Trust me!”
    Rainbow Dash then flew around in a circle and made a rain cloud. Witch then started raining on the Yellow Devil.
    “Bumooo?!” it shouted as it tried to keep the rain out of its eye.
    “Now Rainbow hit it with a thunderbolt!” said Twilight.
    “It will be super effective!” added Pinkie Pie.
    “On it!” she then stomped on the cloud and a thunderbolt zapped the Yellow Devil right in the eye

    “BUMOOOOOOOOOOOOO.OOO.OOO!” it cried before it exploded. Leaving a mess everywhere.
    “We did it!” shouted Pinkie Pie as the boss victory music played.
    “Did anypony else hear that?” asked Fluttershy.
    “Thank goodness that stuff didn't get in my hair, it would have taken weeks to get what ever that thing was out” said Rarity.
    “Come on we have to get to the next floor!” said Rainbow Dash.
    “Right,” said Twilight.
    “Ah haw,” said Applejack.
    “Okie doki loki,” said Pinkie Pie.
    “Okay,” said Fluttershy.
    “Yes let us proceed,” said Rarity.

    The ponies then proceeded to the next room.

    The girls had just made into the room the thief was in. “There he is”! said Rainbow Dash. The Thief was battling a yellow devil only it looked upgraded.
    “Hard knuckle!” The thief said as he grabbed his own wrist and shot a blue fist at the monster’s eye. The monster then exploded. “*pant* glad that’s over,” said the thief.
    “Whoa he just beat that thing signal handedly !” said Rarity.
    “Literary,” said Pinkie pie.
    “hm?” the chameleon said as his eyes looked towards the ponies. he then turned around to them. “O goodie you beat the Yellow devil”. He said with joy.
    “And that makes you happy”? Twilight asked.
    “Derrr I mean GAAHHH you’ve found me”! the thief said sounding nervous. Then a door appeared behind the lizard. “The crystal is mine !” he said as he ran to the next room.
    “Well that was strange,” said Rainbow Dash.
    “Indeed,” added Rarity.
    “Dose he really only care just about the crystal”. Twilight said to herself.
    “Lets go, we can't let him get away!” said Applejack as she ran ahead and was followed by the others.
    “Oh, right,” Twilight said before she joined the others.

    The thief had made it into the next room. It was a lot bigger and more had a more silver metal coloring. It also had what looked like a storm drain for the floor and the door was located on a platform high above.
    “*pant* wow I can't believe they beat the yellow devil,” said the thief. “Maybe if I asked for help they could”. The thief thought for a moment. “No ,all they want is the crystal, they would never help me” The crystal then glowed an even darker blue.
    The ponies made it into the room. The thief then used his tongue to get to the next dour.
    “Hey get back here”! Said Rainbow Dash. Then a small metal eye came down and blinked. “huh,” said everypony.

    Suddenly green goo came up from the flour and began to form the shape of a devil robot. “What is that thing?” Said Rarity. Then the eye moved into the blob,.

    Slimy gelatinous mass
    Green Devil

    “Oh no not another one!” said Applejack.0
    “At least this one is made of jello,” said Pinkie Pie. This got a confused look from the others.
    It blinked a few times. It made a angry look then attacked the ponies. “AAAAAHHHHHH!” They all screamed as they dodged the slimy arm
    Rarity fired some magic shots at the Green devil. But they had no effect.
    “We have to hit the eye remember!” said Twilight.
    “How are we suppose to do that!” said Rainbow Dash. “There to much goo!”
    “I know, I'll eat it!” said Pinkie Pie before she tried to run and chomp it. Thankfully Applejack stopped her with a lasso.
    “That's not Jello Pinkie Pie!” she said as she tried to restrain her.
    “Are you sure?” Pinkie Pie asked.
    The monster then dripped down the floor.
    “Wheres it going?” asked Fluttershy.
    Then the eye came down and made the goo spike up. The ponies barely dodged the slimy spikes.
    The eye then called the goo from the drain. It reappeared in the form of blobs that then lunged them self's at the ponies. The blobs slammed the ponies relentlessly. Then formed back in to the Green devil. The eye quickly moved into the body and then it oozed blobs at the ponies.
    “Watch out!” shouted Twilight.
    Then Pinkie Pie remembered the mega buster she had. “Oh yeah I almost forgot,” she then puled it out and started blasting the blobs to bits.
    “Awesome one Pinkie Pie!” cheered Rainbow Dash.
    “Keep it up Pinkie!” said Applejack.
    The Green devil took notates of this and grabbed the blaster and dropped it down the drain.
    “No!” said Twilight.
    “What do we do now?!” said Rarity.
    The Green devil was about to smash the ponies. When suddenly a dark blue tongue went though the slime and grabbed they eye.
    “Huh?” the ponies said.
    The tongue then retracted to the thief. who then took the eye and kicked it to who knows where. The slimy giant then melted down the drane pipe.
    “Okay what just happened!?” said Twilight.
    “Did he just,” Applejack said. The lizard looked at them. Then ran into the hall.
    “He saved us?” said Fluttershy.
    “The way he attacked the Green devil, I swear I've seen that somewhere before”. said Twilight.
    “Never mind that how is everypony but me and Fluttershy going to get up there”? asked Rainbow dash. Then suddenly stairs appeared.
    “Well that answers that,” said Twilight. The girls then proceeded to the next room.
    In the next room.

    “Ding-wall there almost here!” said the nervous thief. “and that beautiful Twilight has almost figured me out!” he started pacing “Though you've probably all ready figure it out, yes I am talking to you, the one reading this!” he said pointing at you. “you won't tell them anything right?” “and if you think you know how this is going to end, then your going to be very surprised”
    The ponies charged into the next room. “Stop right there!” demanded Rainbow Dash. The thief jumped with surprise.
    “Gerr don’t you pest give up!” said the Thief.
    “Give us the crystal!” demanded Rarity.
    “Rarity wait, let me try to reason with him” said Twilight. “Mr uh Chameleon, Why did you save us from the Green devil?” she asked as she approached the thief.
    “Yeah why'd a varmint like you save us”? added Applejack.
    ”Well um er I um eh you see um” the lizard started bumbling.
    “Because you wanted the all the jello to your self”! Pinkie Pie shouted. “DID’NT YOU!”
    Twilight just face hooved.
    “What that wasn't jello!” said the thief. “Well at least I think it’s wasn't jello, but then again I've never really tried jello before so there is that, and furthermore,” He continued to ramble.
    “Now’s are chance to strike”. whispered Rainbow Dash before she charged at the thief.
    “Rainbow wait!” shouted Twilight ,but it was to late.