Thursday, April 23, 2015

My Little Pony Friendship vs Loneliness Chapter 4 Level 1-1

“Where are we ?” Twilight groaned. The ponies opened there eyes to see grass and blue sky with clouds.
“Did it work ?” asked Fluttershy.
“Aaww man, it didn't work.” Rainbow Dash complained. “We'er still in Equestria”.
“How are we going to catch the thief now?” said Rarity.
“Um girls, I don’t think we're in Equestria anymore”, said Applejack. Applejack was right. The clouds had smiles, there were brown mushrooms with teeth and feet, turtles that stood on two legs, and blocks with ?-marks everywhere.
“What is this place?” asked Fluttershy .
“Where in the mushroom kingdom!” said Pinkie Pie.
“How'd you know that?!” asked Rarity.
“Oh you know,” she replied with a giggle. which raised some strange and confused looks.
With in the distance Twilight could see a small fortress. “Wait” she squinted
she could see a chameleon tail go in. “there he is!” pointed Twilight.
“Then lets get him!” Rainbow Dash said before hitting a laiktu cloud.
“Hey watch where your going!” it said before flouting away.
“Oh um sorry?” Rainbow Dash said while rubbing her head.
“We need to be careful we don't know what creatures could be in this world”, Twilight said.
“I agree, we don't want to anger the locals,” said Rarity
“We better getting going, we don't want that lizard causing anymore trouble” said Applejack
“Well the let's a go!” Pinkie Pie said in an Italian ascent and a mustache on.
The ponies then continued until they came to a huge walls made of blocks
“Oh my how are why going to get over that?” asked Rarity
On the other side of the walls some brown mushrooms with fangs were talking.
“These walls will keep those mustachioed freaks out” said the first one
“Yeah maybe lord Bowser will give us a promotion,” replied the other mushroom .
Back on the ponies side.
“Hey maybe I can jump it” said Pinkie Pie
“Pinkie wait !” shouted Rainbow Dash
As Pinkie Pie jumped forward she bonked her head on a ?-block which made a big yellow mushroom pop up.
“Ow!” she said rubbing her head.
“Pinkie you need to be more careful”, said Twilight.
“You could have gotten your self hurt” added Applejack

Then the mushroom fell on Applejack and made her grow giant. “ Hey whats going on!?” she said as she grew to a giant size.
“WHOAAA!” said Applejack
“this is terrible”! Said Twilight
“Yeah I want to grow gigantic!” said Pinkie Pie
“I don't think I like this, Whoa!” she said as she toppled onto the walls.
“I thought those walls were unbreakable” said the Goomba
“ Lets scram!”
They tried to run but the walls slammed them all the way to the Bean Kingdom.
Thankfully Applejack had returned to normal size
“Applejack!” they all said as the rushed to her side

“Don't worry I'm fine,” Applejack reassured “Being giant is lot better then being tiny, I can tell y'all that”
“How could a simple mushroom cose you to grow to giagantic proportion?” asked Twilight
“I don't know, its crazy then a jackrabbit named Ricky”,
“At least you broke down the walls,” said Rainbow Dash.
“Well I think I've had just about enough of this world,” replied Rarity
“Oh I don't know if its that bad,” said Fluttershy not noticing the boo making funny faces behind her, who disappeared when she looked.
“The sooner we get the thief the sooner we can leave,” said Twilight
“Well lets get going then!” said Rainbow Dash. This time she waited for the laktui to float by.
“Thank you miss,” he waved as flouted by.
Suddenly a hammer hit Rainbow Dash in the face. “Ow what the, who threw that!”
It was another turtle. But it had on a helmet and was throwing hammers. “Just WHAT do you think your doing!” shouted Fluttershy
“What?” said the hammer bro.
“Somepony could get hurt by one of those hammers!” Fluttershy was right at the hammer bro and ready to stare.
“I have half a mind to go tell your mother what you've been up too!” she scolded
“Well um I,”
“Now you apologizes and stop causing so much trouble, AM I CLEAR!!!” she was now using the stare.
“ I'm sorry, I'm sorry!” the hammer bro whaled “I'm getting out of here, these ponies are worse then those two plumbers!” he said as he darted off.
There was a minute of silence.
“Well then, lets keep moving”, said Twilight
the ponies then continued.

“Hey wheres Pinkie Pie ”? Asked Fluttershy.
Pinkie was on a stair shaped pile of blocks bouncing a koopa shell and pulling off the infinite life trick.
“Pinkie com on!” said Rainbow Dash.
“Awww!” Pinkie then jumped off the shell and over to them. The koopa had just stopped spinning.
“I knew I should have worked for the Count,” said the koopa.

The ponies had finally reached the gates of the fortress.

“We've made it,” said Twilight
“Boy that's one big fort,” said Applejack
“Um are you sure he's in there?” asked Fluttershy
“Maybe he used a magic flute to skip ahead,” said Pinkie Pie
“Okay someones making too many references!” shouted the chameleon from inside. “I'm suppose to be doing that!”
“Yeah I think he's in there”, said Rainbow Dash.
“All right lets be ready for anything girls !” said Twilight
“Right!” the others agreed

The big blue metal doors slowly opened
The ponies went in.

The main 6 had finally found the thief within the fortress like castle.
“Come on, come on, work, Work!” the chameleon said, while banging the darkened gem on the floor. He then noticedhe 6 ponies that were behind him. “Yipe!” he screamed has he turned around. “Persistent bunch aren't you”, he said.
“Give us back that crystal !” Applejack demanded.
“Sorry, but I think need it’s powers a bit more than you do”, the thief replied.
But why do you need it?” asked Twilight.
“None of your business !” the thief shouted.
“Then we'll just have to take it” said Rainbow Dash.

“Just go ahead and try !” he then snapped his fingers.
mysterious shape-shifting reptile

Then 6 green mushrooms landed on the main 6.
“AAHHH!” they screamed.
“Huh, nothing happened ?” asked Pinkie Pie.
“Why did you...” but before Twilight could finish, the lizard jumped on to the walls and to the celing out of sight. Then three dark blue tongues came down and started attacking them. They all screamed and scattered. “wait try grabbing one of the tongues”, Twilight said.
“Okie doki”, Pinkie said as she grabbed one of the tongues and pulled it. Unfortunately it revealed a blue bomb at the end. Which then exploded and sent Pinkie Pie flying. “Wheee !” she screamed as she went flying by the others.
“Pinkie!” Twilight said.
“Don’t worry she’ll be fine”. reassured Applejack.
“it is Pinkie Pie after all”, said Rainbow Dash. After the girls failed many times, Rainbow grabbed the right tongue and pulled down the thief.
“Giiyah”! the creature said while being pulled down. Applejack then kicked the lizard many times. After taking many blows the thief jumped back on the walls and out of sight and sent down the tongues again. The ponies tried to pull down the thief but had failed. The thief then jumped down , curled into a ball with his spike showing, then did a spin dash.
“Oh horse feathers” said Applejack. The thief then charged
He swerved around the room a few times but had failed to hit anypony.
He then uncurled a as dizzy. Pinkie Pie then pulled out her party cannon
“Surprise!” she then blast cake batter on the chameleon. It splattered on is face. He the licked it off and said “Mmmm cookie cream,”

“Oops I mixed up the confetti and cake batter again”,
“hm Oh well,” the Thief said
Rarity tried to blast the beast but he was to fast and dodged them all.
He then tried to jump to the wall but accidentally hit Fluttershy. “Yyyaahhhhh!” they said has they went down.
“umf pardon me”, he said as he jumped off Fluttershy. Rainbow Dash then charged him and sent him into a wall. Which he got his head stuck in.
“Erf erf hope this doesn't come of again oomff!” he said trying to unstuck himself. Applejack then grabbed his tail, pulled him out, and swung him like a lasso. “Whoa whoa whoa!” he shouted as he spun.
Applejack then threw him at the wall. “OOWW!” He grumbled after he hit then slid down.
“Nice one AJ!” said Rainbow Dash. Applejack smiled back.
The thief tried to get up and fire a a dark blue charge beam but before he could Twilight shot one more magic blast.
“YAAAARRRHHH!” the thief screamed as he fell off screen.
“Yes we got him”! cheered Rainbow Dash.
“Yeahaa!” said Applejack.
“Now lets get the crystal and go home,” said Rarity
Then suddenly a blue tongue shot out from below and grabbed the crystal.

“Oh no!” said Fluttershy. Then the thief reappeared and ran up the wall to a higher floor.