Thursday, March 19, 2015

My Little Pony Friendship vs Loneliness chapter 3 Strike of the Chameleon

“Huh !?” everypony gasped.
The tongue retracted to the ceiling. “Yes it's mine at last!!!!!” said a loud voice. The invisible creature started crawling away.
“Somepony stop him” Rarity said dramatically. The guards then fired their magic where the gem was, trying to stop the thief. but the strange foe was moving too swiftly in moving to hit.
“Hey give that back!” Twilight said as she charged her magic and blasted the unseable foe.
”Yeeyoow !!!“ the creature cried in pain. The blast had caused him to fall to the floor. Then the invisibility disappeared reveling a slightly dazed chameleon. He was tall, he was around the size of spike when he had that growth spurt but wasn't quiet that big, had yellow eyes with black pupils, a small yellow horn, green skin with some yellow mixed in, his chest and belly were yellow, and there was a small curl in his tail. He sprang up on to his hind legs and scanned around nervously . “No you shall not have me!” the monster cried. He then made several small dark blue spheres of energy appear and launched them at the guards, disabling them.
“I will stop him!” Princess Celestea said. She blasted a giant magic beam at him. The creature retaliated by blasting a huge dark blue beam back hers. The beams collided with great rage but the dark beam was too much for the alicorn and it easily blasted her back. She cried in pain as she was forced to the wall.
“Princess Celestea !” the main 6 and Spike cried. They rushed to her side.
“Don’t worry about me, I’ll be fine,”
As they comforted the princess, Pinkie Pie shouted out, “Hey what about the thief ?!” As soon as they realized that the chameleon still had the crystal he had jumped out the window into the garden. As the crook was falling he suddenly transformed into what appeared to be a motorcycle with one wheel and two eyes on its side. It then began to drive away.
“We have to stop him!” Twilight said.
“On it!” Said Rainbow Dash as she darted toward the wheeled creature. “You ain't getting away that easy,” she said as she charged it. The creature then spun out and transformed back to the chameleon.

“YEAOuch!” The Thief said.
Applejack then tossed her lasso and grabbed the thief. “You ani’t going no where!” she said
“What oi let me go!” the thief shouted.
The thief struggled to escape from the blond pony’s grasp. He transformed into a sea serpent, a bird shaped jet, and a giant cruse ship. Then the monster turned into a light bulb then into a pile of cube shaped TNT !
“What the hay?!” Applejack said before she was blown away by the explosion. Then as the TNT was flying one of the blocks transformed into a big blue long armed mole which then tunneled into the ground.
“We can't let him get away!” said Twilight.
“Right!” Replied everypony.

They chased the tunneling creature. The mole spun out of the ground, transformed back into the chameleon, and slammed the ground which made a transparent dark blue wall surround him and blocked off the ponies.

The thief then slashed his arms in a X and opened a portal. “He he he, the fate of all dimensions is about to change,” the lizard snickered before he jumped though.
“NO, he's gone !” shouted Twilight.

The ponies had returned to the throne room. “I'm sorry your highness, the thief got away,” Said Twilight
“What was that thing anyway?” asked Rainbow Dash.
“I do not know,” said Celestia. “though it appears to not be from this world”.
“Not from this world?” Said Fluttershy.
“There are many other worlds beyond Equstria,” said the Princess as she used her magic to create a hologram showing many spheres with worlds in them. “This creature seems to have not just the power to shape shift but the ability to travel from world to world,” she said as the a hologram of the thief appeared.
“A creature from another world ?” Said Twilight.
“That's lovely and all but,” started Rarity
“How are we going to catch him?!” finished Rainbow Dash

“The same way he escaped,” said Celestia
“Huh?” said everypony. Celestia then used her magic and created a portal like the one the thief had made.
“You must catch the creature and not allow him to use the crystals power for evil”,
“We won't let you down,” said Twilight.
“Please com back safe,” said Spike.
Don't worry, we'll be fine,” reassured Twilight.
Besides we've fought much worse things before, we can handle a silly chameleon,” said Rainbow Dash.
“Aw hu,”
“Oki doki,”
“Of course darling,”
“mm hm,” the others said each in there own way.
“lets go girls,” said Twilight.

The ponies then jumped into the portal. They went through a colorful vortex. Then everything went dark.

My Little Pony Friendship vs Loneliness chapter 2 The Dream and the Gem

Later that night Twilight was sleeping. She was having a dream. She was in a place that was made of bright cyan lights. “Where am I?” asked Twilight. “Whoa!” She looked around. It appeared to be a forest, only everything looked like it was made of bright blue neon light. “It’s so pretty,” said Twilight, astounded by the forest’s beauty. Twilight began to look around and move forward. But then she felt there was someone behind her. “*breath* uh,” But when she looked there was nothing but floating particles. “I could have sworn there was somepony there,” she continued. But as she walked away the particles formed something rather scaly. It breathed slowly.
Twilight had come to a rope bridge over a canyon. “I don't know why, but I feel like I've had this dream before,” she said as she walked across. “Maybe Princess Luna is here, maybe she can tell me what's going on”.
But on the other side of the bridge something was watching her. “So amazing,” it said softly.
Twilight thought she could see something. “Hello, is that you Luna?” she asked.
Suddenly the bridge broke. “AAHHHH!” Twilight screamed as she fell. But suddenly a long tongue grabbed her leg and pulled her up and put her on the other side. “Wow thanks... I,” but there was nopony there. “Whoa, I wonder who saved me?” she pondered as she walked away, not noticing the glowing reptile face watching her. It sighed sadly.

Twilight continued through the neon woods. Until she came to the center that was growing darker and darker.
Then out of know where
“so innocent,” said a voice.
“Hm?” Twilight wondered.
“So nice,” Twilight herd a the voice mumble again .
“Huh who said that ?!” Twilight alertly asked.
“Sooo caring,” the voice said again.
“I’m warning you !” said Twilight as she prepared her magic.
“But are you trustworthy ?” said the voice.
”Trustworthy?” asked Twilight.
“Wait this was a bad idea,” Said the voice starting sounding less deep and mysterious.
“What do you mean ?” asked Twilight.
“O ding-wall what was I thinking!” “I-I’m so sorry”.
“Sorry for what ?” asked Twilight.
“You may leave now,” said the voice.
The forest became a dark blue color.
“Huh?” replied Twilight. Then her vision became blurry. “Wait I !” Twilight said as she noticed a lizard shape. Twilight gasped as she woke up. “Well that was weird.” Twilight said. “*yawn* I’d better get back to sleep”.
But on the wall was two big yellow eyes. They blinked a bit then disappeared and then the sound of something crawling away was made. This slightly woke Spike. “Huh ?!” he said as he looked around before going back to sleep.

The next day.

“Good morning Spike,” Twilight said to her dragon assistant.
“Good morning Twilight,” replied Spike. “did you sleep well?”
“I guess so, I had a pretty weird dream last.” she replied
“What was it about ?” the dragon asked.

But before she could answer ,Spike belched up a letter. “A letter from the princess ?” Twilight said as she opened it and read through it.
“What's it say?” Asked Spike.
“It says me and my friends are needed in Canterlot,” she said.

Twilight and her friends had arrived in Canterlot, “I wonder why Princess Celestia called us here?” Applejack said as they got of the train.
“Maybe for party !” Pinkie Pie said with confetti
“I don't know if that's it” said Fluttershy
“But I already packed the cupcake”.
Well whatever it is I'm sure we can handle it” said Rainbow dash.
“I sure hope so,” said Twilight. She was thinking about the dream she had
“Is everything alright darling?” Rarity asked
“You kinda looked like you've seen a reptile from another world”, pointed out Pinkie Pie
“Oh its uh nothing, lets get going,” said Twilight

The ponies and dragon were now in the throne room

“Twilight, tell me, have you had any strange dreams ?” asked Celestia.
“Well...”, Twilight started before she was cut off by Rainbow Dash,
“Wait I thought Princess Luna could see everypony's dreams ?” said Rainbow Dash.
Very observant Rainbow Dash,” answered Celestia. “Luna has not been able to because a dark magic has been surrounding her dreams,”
“Dark magic?” asked Fluttershy.
“Twilight please continue”.
“Yes your highness” replied Twilight. “I’m in this forest only its all made of bright blue light”, she described.
“Yes go on”. Said Celestia.
[“One telling of the dream later.” a french voice said]
After Twilight finished Celestia thought for a moment.
“It sounds like something has been infiltrating your dreams,” said Celestia.
“But why would somepony what to inter my dreams,” asked Twilight.
“Yeah my dreams are much more fun and have cake !” said Pinkie Pie
“I do not know exactly why,” said Celestia. “but there is something else”.

The princess then made a darkened purple crystal appear. “This crystal was recently found in a ancient cave, it is prophesied to play a key roll in the fate of all worlds,” said Celestia. “It is currently engulfed in great darkness”.
“Great darkness like the one from the legend of the 7 heroes”? asked Twilight.
“it is very similar but it is different, but it could lead to the darkness being set free ,and we can't let things come to that,” said Celestia. “Now Twilight can I trust you and your friends to purify this gem and keep it from falling into the wrong hooves”.
“Oki doki loki,” said Pinkie Pie.
“Of course,” said Fluttershy.
“You bet !” said Rainbow Dash.
“Certainty,” said Rarity.
“sure thing,” said Applejack.
“We won’t let you down Princess!” said Twilight.

“Very well I here by bestow this crystal to all of you,” Celestia said. She then sent the crystal to Twilight. But just before Twilight could receive the darkened gem from Celestia, out of nowhere a long dark blue tongue shot out and grabbed the gem.