Thursday, February 12, 2015

My Little Pony Friendship vs Loneliness, Chapter 1 A “regular” day in Ponyville...

Twilight and Spike were on there way to Sweet Apple Acres. “I wonder what Applejack is up to?”, said Twilight.
“Probably bucking apples”, said Spike. Spike was right. Applejack was bucking apples.
“Good morning, Applejack”, said Twilight.
Applejack is an orange pony with freckles and a blond mane, her cutie mark was three apples, and she always had her cowboy hat on. She is a honest pony that you can always count on. “Howdy Twilight,” Applejack said. “Whats happening?”, she asked in a friendly tone.
“Nothing much”, said Spike.
“I wish I could say the same here”, replied Applejack
What do you mean?”, asked Twilight with a concerned voice
“Strange things have been happening.”, Applejack said while looking at her orchard, “Some of my apples have been disappearing!”
“How's that been happening?”, asked Twilight.
“Maybe there's a monster swiping the apples?”, suggested Spike.
“Now Spike do you really think theirs a monster swipe n my apples?”, Applejack said sarcastically.

Then there was a noise that sounded like a stomach growling. “Well I didn't know y'all were hungry”, said Applejack.
“It wasn't me”, said Twilight. The ponies looked at Spike.
Don’t look at me I just had breakfast”, said Spike. *Growl* the sound said again.
“Its coming from over there”, said Twilight. The sound appeared to be moving away.
“Don't let it get away!”, Said Applejack. The ponies and dragon began to chase after the sound.
While they where running they passed Fluttershy.
Fluttershy is a bright yellow pony, she has a long pink main and tail, and three pink butterflies for a cutie mark. Fluttershy is a Pegasus and has wings though she doesn't like to fly all that high. She is a kind pony and spends most of her time taking care of animals. She can understand them pretty well.

“Oh dear is something wrong?”, Asked Fluttershy as she caught up to the others.
“No time to explain,” said Applejack. Fluttershy began to follow.
The ponies and baby dragon followed the sound, until they got to the entrance of the Everfree Forest.

“Hey where'd the grumbling go?”, asked Spike
“Whatever it was it’s gone now”, said Applejack
“Well I think we should get something to eat before our tummies start grumbling”, Said Fluttershy.
Then everypony smiled and left for Sugercube Corner.

But somewhere in the forest...
Two eyes opened. “Man that was close” said a unknown voice. The eyes then noticed a timber wolf sniffing near them. “Get out of here!”, the stranger kicked the timber wolf away.

Meanwhile back at Sugercube Corner....

“Hiya!”, Said Pinkie Pie as she popped out of nowhere.
“AAAHHHH!”, a surprised Twilight said as she fell over.
“Oops sorry Twilight,” Pinkie Pie said.
“Its okay I'm used to it”, Twilight said as she was getting up.
“Hey where'd Fluttershy go?”, Asked Spike. They all looked and saw she was in a tree.
“Oh no did I scare you to Fluttershy?”, said a worried Pinkie Pie.
“Oh no not at all,” answered Fluttershy. “I just saw this birds nest and I wanted to make sure they were okay, that's all”,
“oh that's a relief”, said Pinkie Pie.
Pinkie Pie was a pink (duh) earth pony. She had a pink mane and tail that was fluffing and bouncy, her cutie mark was yellow and blue balloons, Pinkie pie had a very unique personality, she loved to plan parties, she loved being silly and making ponies happy. “And she has a bit of cosmic awareness” She said looking at the screen.
“Um Pinkie Pie what are you looking at?”, Asked Twilight.
“Oh never mind”, Pinkie pie said teasingly. “So what brings you to Sugarcube Corner”,
“We were just coming for some lunch”, said Twilight.
“Okay then come on in”, Pinkie Pie said.
Pinkie Pie, Twilight, and Spike were sitting at a table by the window eating some cake, which was their desert after eating.

“So what have you been up to Pinkie?” asked Twilight.
“Oh just helping the cakes, planning parties, feeling like something entered our dimension, y'know the usual”, Pinkie Pie replied. “so how are things going with Applejack?” she asked.

“There's been a monster stealing the apples”, said spike with a mouth full of cake.
“Oh no what if it comes here?! I need to barricade the bon-bons!” said Pinkie Pie frantically.
“Pinkie don't be silly“, said Twilight. “even if there was a monster why would it want to steal bon-bons?”
“Why wouldn't it!” Pinkie Pie answered.
Then there was a small thud. “Huh what was that?!” said Twilight as she looked at a window. “Probably just the wind blowing...”, she stopped when she noticed her cake was gone. “Hey wheres my cake?” Twilight asked.
“I don’t know, it just disappeared”, replied Pinkie Pie.
“Really it just disappeared ?” Twilight said with sarcasm.
“Aw huh”, Pinkie Pie said while nodding. “Hey look a butterfly”, She then trotted away singing “la la la la” in her joyful way. Twilight then looked at Spike with a grumpy face.
“It wasn't me honest !” Said Spike.

But not too far away the cake appeared to be eaten by the air. “Um nom nom *smak* *smak* so good”, a voice said.

Spike and Twilight where now walking through the street.
“Are you sure there's not a monster?” asked Spike.
“Of course there's not a monster, its simply illogical”, Twilight replied
Then Rainbow Dash flew in.
“Hey what's up?” Asked Rainbow Dash. Rainbow Dash is a Pegasus and she loves to fly high and fast. She is light blue, has a rainbow mane and tail (hence the name), and has a rainbow thunderbolt cutie mark. She is a little cocky at times, but is a pony who would never leave her friends hanging .
“Oh nothing much”, said Twilight “just some pony stole my cake!”
“I told you it wasn't me!” Said spike. “there's a monster on the loose!”
“Sure spike”, said Rainbow Dash. “sorry I can't talk more I've got some cloud busting to do”, she said as she flew off.
“Okay see ya later”, said Twilight.

“Ha monster, how silly”, Rainbow Dash snicked.
While Rainbow dash was flying she thought she saw a shadow move through the trees quickly. “Huh?” she said. She stopped for a moment. Then started flying after the shadow. “Hey get back here!” she said as she perused the shadow. She followed it it till she lost it in the everfree forest. “Aah dang it!” she said with frustration. “I wonder what that was?” she asked. “Oh well”, she shrugged before she flew off.
But in the forest something was breathing with exhaustion. “*pant* pant* Di-di-ding-wall that was close”, the thing said.

Back in Ponyvile...
“Okay maybe its not a monster but an alien fro another world!” said Spike
“I think you need to lay of the comic books spike”, said Twilight.

Then Twilight and Spike bumped into Rarity, causing her to drop her bags.
“I do say watch where you're going”, said Rarity. “oh Twilight, Spike I'm so sorry I didn't know it was you”, she apologized.
“That's okay Rarity”, said Twilight.
“Yeah I'm always happy to bump into you”, said Spike.
Rarity is a white unicorn with a purple mane. She has three blue gems for her cutie mark. She is an elegant, fancy pony who loves fashion and gets very upset around filth,but is an ace dress maker and a very generous unicorn.
“What's all this stuff for?” asked Twilight.
“I have a lot of dresses to make so I thought I'd stock up on materials”, replied Rarity as she used her magic to pick up the bags.
“Do ya need any help with that?” asked Spike.
“No I'm good, but that's very generous of you Spike”, said Rarity. “well I better get going ta ta”, she said as she walked away.
But as she was walking she thought she heard something from a nearby tree. “So so beautiful”, the tree quietly said.
“oh why thank you”, she said gracefully then realized that trees don't talk. “Huh is someone in there?” She got no replies. “I must have been in the sun too long. I better hurry and get home”, she then continued to walk home.
“That was close”, said the thing in the tree. “I wasn't even referring to her!”

Back at golden oaks library...
“Twilight, are you sure there's no monster causing all the stuff today?” said Spike as he was putting some books up.
“Of course Spike”, Twilight replied. “there's probably just some fruit bats or some other pest snatching the apples”,
“If you say so”, said Spike.

But from within the top of the tree.“I'm running out of time to initiate my plan”, said a voice too quiet to be heard by the pony and dragon. “but maybe, I do want to do that thing one more time”, he then looked through the branches at Twilight.

He then disappeared.