Friday, July 4, 2014

Primal Dialga in the main games ??!!

Hello my friends.

                                    today I would like to talk about a discovery I might have made.

As you know in the upcoming Pokemon games

Omega Ruby & Alpha Sapphire 

I'm getting Sapphire.

Anyways From what we know.

Groundon and Kyogre
are getting new forms from 
Primal Reversion

If you don't know what that is.
It's when the Pokemon transforms to how it looked when the Pokemon world was made.
(wait dose mean it might work on fossel pokemon? who knows).

Here's what the legionaries have become

Primal Kyogre

Primal Groudon

By any chance did you notice something in the names?

Perhaps the "Primal"? Sound familiar?


Primal Dialga!!!!!

This may be a bit of a stretch but think about it.

How could Gamefreak give Kyogre and Groudon the
title with out thinking about Primal Dialga.

The chance of his happening is rather small
and it could just be a fluke. 

But it would be so awesome if Dialga could Primal Reversion.

Will just have to wait and see.

Thanks for reading bye :D