Sunday, May 10, 2015

My Little Pony Friendship vs Loneliness. Chapter 5 MLP vs RPG

Chapter 5 MLP vs RPG
The thief ran up the stairs as fast as his two legs could go.
“H-h-ow could they beat me!??” he panted. He kept running til he got to the top of the fortress.
“Hurry he's at the top!” said Rainbow Dash as they were getting closer to the thief.
The thief looked frantically for way to escape. “Come on come on!” he said.
The ponies made it to the top the fortress. “We got you now,” said Rainbow Dash as she pointed her hoof at the chameleon.
“AAAAAHHHH!!!!!” he screeched as he jumped to face them. “S-st-stay back!” the panicking lizard said.
“Hand over the crystal,” demanded Applejack.
“Never !” said the lizard. “It's the only thing powerful enough that I can use to achieve my goal”.
“We're not going to let you use it to unleash the great evil !” said Twilight.
“Whah? Who said anything about me freeing that-” the thief started. Then suddenly the castle shook. It was being bombarded by cannon balls.
“Whaaahhh!” everypony and the thief said.
“Stop this immediately,” shouted Rarity.
“This isn't my doing!” said the thief.
The cannon balls where coming from a flying battle ship that had giant propellers.. “Oh ding-wall, not these guys”! said the thief.
“Ding-wall?” Twilight said confused.

Suddenly the ship slammed into the castle. “Whoa!” said thief and the ponies as they lost balance and fell into the ship and everything went black.
The Ponies had regained consciousness.
They all groaned as they got up.
“What happened?” said Fluttershy.
“it seems to be a ship,” answered Twilight.
“Hey where'd the thief go!?” said Rainbow Dash.
“I believe he fell on with us,” said Rarity.
Suddenly some strange monsters appeared on deck.
“Hey who's the girlys on Lord Bowser's ship,” said a sliver Armored Koopa with a spike on its helmet .
“They shouldn't be there,” said a Goomba that wore a green cap with a spike on it.
“Were sorry, we didn't mean to intrude,” said Twilight.
“Sorry ain't good enough toots!” said the Armored Koopa.
“Who ya calling toots!” retorted Applejack.
“It don't matter” replied the rude Armored Koopa.
“All that matters is that we give you the boot off of here!” said the Spiked goomba
“Well then, must you be so rude!” said Rarity
“We're not going anywhere!” said Rainbow Dash
“Oh so yous are going to be uncooperative eh?” said Armored Koopa
“Captain, there be stowaways on board!” he shouted. Then the captain of the ship came on deck. He looked like an armored koopa but his armor was dark purple ,he had a hook hand, a spiky red shell, red eyes, a pirate hat on, and spoke like a cliche pirate .
“I be the captain of this vessel and I won't have any girly ponies stowaways.” said the Captain.
The Thief had landed below deck. “Ey-yei-yei those girls put up a fight,” said the lizard as he rubbed his head.
“Well then, I better get..., hey where'd my RPG orb go?!” He said while checking the pockets he didn't have.
Back on deck.........
“Time to show you rainbow colored freaks who's boss!” said the Spiked Goomba.
“What did you call us!?!” shouted Applejack.
“You're so going down!” said Rainbow Dash.
“Bring it on flapjacks!” shouted the Armored Koopa.
“Just go ahead and wait flapjacks really?” said a confident and confused Twilight.
“Sounds good to me,” replied Pinkie Pie
“Enough chit-chat, I'm gonna be key-hauling ye swabbies!” shouted the Captain.
Suddenly a colorful orb rolled onto the deck. Then everything spun in a circle and the ponies and and crew were in an RPG style battle.
The ponies began fighting back against the crew .
Applejack bucked Spiked Goomba. It did 18 damage.
Twilight fired magic spell at Armorrd Koopa. It did 40 damage.
Spiked Goomba jumped on Rarity. It did 23 damage.
Rainbow dash charged at Captain. It did 25 damage.
Captain slashed with black cutlass at Rainbow Dash ! It did 50 damage.
Pinkie Pie used cupcake on Rainbow Dash. It healed 33 damage.
Armored Koopa used shell spin on Twilight. It did 20 damage.
Fluttershy used cuteness on Captain. Captain is paralyzed.
Spiked Goomba jumped on Applejack. It did 15 damage.
Rarity used dress magic. It doubled teams defense.
Rainbow Dash used thunderbolt cloud on Captain. It did 40 damage.
Applejack used super kick on Spiked Goomba. It did 70 damage to Spiked Goomba.
Spiked Goomba defeated.
Armored Koopa used super shroom on Captian. It Healed 50.
Captain is no longer paralyzed by cuteness.
Twilight used ice spell on Armored Koopa. It did 32 damage and froze Armored Koopa.
Fluttershy summoned Bear.
Bear used claw swipe on Armored Koopa. It did 40 damage.
Armored Koopa defeated.
Bear disappeared.
Captain used cannon fire! It did 90 damage to party.
“What party?” asked Pinkie Pie.
Pinkie Pie used cupcake rain. It healed 100 on party.
Captain got upset! Attack increased.
Captain used cutlass on Fluttershy. Did 165 damage.
Fluttershy fainted.
“Fluttershy!” shouted everypony.
“Now you're going to get it!” said Rainbow Dash.
“You can say that again!” added Applejack.
Party's Attack increased tremendously.
Applejack used super buck. It did 78 damage.
Rarity used Healing magic on Fluttershy. Fluttershy recovers.
Twilight used Flare. It did 100 damage.
Rainbow Dash used sonic rainboom! It did 9999999!
Captain defeated.
Ponies win!
All the ponies the celebrated.
Your Friendship level went up by 80.
Your power level went up by 40.
Your coolness went up 20%.
Gained items, cupcake.
Then the RPG battle ended and things were normal again.
“What kind of ponies are they?!” said the Spiked Goomba who was stuck to a wall.
“My shell hurts,” wined the Armored Koopa
“I ain't be beaten!” the Captain struggled to get up.
“We won!” cheered Applejack.
“Now to find that Chameleon!” said Rainbow Dash.

But bellow deck a green scaly hand pulled out the wiring for the big propellers.
“Whoa, AHHHH!” they all screamed.
“Oh no the experimental dimensional warp was on here” said the Armored koopa”.
“The what ?” Said Twilight.
The ship rumpled and tilted side to side. All the koopas and goombas fell of the ship. Which was then engulfed in a dimensional portal. The crew looked at the sky from a hill. “How are we going to explain this to lord Bowser ?” Said a Armored Koopa. The Captain just face-planted.
Back on the ship. The inside of the dimensional portal was a cyan color, with streams going forward.
“How do we stop this thing!” screamed Rarity.
“I don't know!” said Twilight in fear.
“We're coming to a clearing” said Rainbow Dash.
“Hang on girls!” shouted Twilight.
A bright light flashed.
The ship then appeared in a world with a canyon.
Before anypony could do anything. The ship then crashed into the canyon.