Monday, October 5, 2015

My Little Pony Friendship vs Loneliness Chapter 8 The battle that leads to loss

Rainbow then charged at the chameleon. “Youch!” he said as he was sent flying backwards. “Well you want to fight, then lets fight!” the lizard then snapped his fingers and the green mushrooms fell on the ponies.
“What's with them mushrooms?” asked Applejack. Then the thief started hovering.

Robot weapon master.
“Tornado Blow!” he said as he raised his arm and rotated it.
“Tornado what?” asked Twilight. Then the ponies then began to flout in they upwards.
“What the hay!” said Applejack.
“Oh my!” said Rarity.
“Whee!” said Pinkie Pie while she spun around.
Then many small green tornadoes came out of the ground. “Look out!” shouted Rainbow Dash. The ponies were then tossed back and forth by the tornadoes.
“How do ya like me now?!” shouted the thief.
Applejack flouted to the thief. “This much!” She said as she kicked him.
This caused the wind to stop and made the ponies and chameleon to hit the ground.
“Aw man.” said Pinkie Pie
the thief then teleported above them and shouted. “Napalm Bomb!” and dropped two peanut shaped Bombs.
The ponies were able to doge them. But the bombs made pits at the end of the walls.
“Air shot!” said the thief as he pointed and made three small tornadoes from the flour. Rarity, Twilight and Pinkie Pie were caught in the tornadoes and went up wards. Rarity then shot two magic beams at the lizard. He dogged them but was hit by one of Pinkie Pie's cupcakes. Then Twilight shot a bigger beam and hit him. “aahhhrrgg” he said in pain. He then teleported to the background.
He then pointed his arm at the ponies. “Concrete shot!” the thief said as he shot concrete blobs at them.
One of the shots caught Fluttershy by her left back hove.
“Oh no,” she said. “I'm stuck,”.
Rarity and Pinkie Pie tried to pull her out. But had no success.
“Wheres a jack hammer when you need one?” said Rainbow Dash when she flew by.
“Probably with a pony named jack,” said Pinkie Pie.
The Thief then reappeared in-front of the ponies
“Hard knuckle!” he said has he fired blue fist at the ponies. The all ran from them . But Fluttershy was still stuck. “Fluttershy!” shouted Twilight, Pinkie Pie, Rarity, Applejack and Rainbow Dash. Fortunately one of the fist hit the concrete and freed Fluttershy.
“Oh thank you,” she said before she flew away.
“Oh no problem, Wait what ?!?!!” said The Thief.
Rainbow Dash charged at thief. the hit slammed him across the room. “ooww” said the thief who was on the edge. “Whoawwwhoa whoa whoa!” he said before fall back.
“Oh no!” said Twilight.
But before the others had time to realize that he still had the crystal. The thief's tongue shot up and pulled him back to the battle.
“Who needs a dog jet when you have a tongue,” he said after he landed. “Concrete shot!” he then threw dozen of shot.
The ponies braced for impact but they didn't feel any concrete. They opened there eyes to see the shots just filled in the holes.
“Can't have any leaks now,” he said before noticing the confused looks on his opponents. “Oh you'll see, Rain Flush!” he then raised his hand and it began to Rain.
“Hah whats a little rain going to do, water are crops?” joked Rainbow Dash.
Then the rain began to flood the room. “Hope you ponies can swim,” he grinned.
The room was completely submerged and the ponies were about to run out of air.
But at the last minute. Twilight cast a bubble spell around everypony.
“Thanks Twi,” said Applejack. Twilight smiled back.
“Oh good this won't be too unfair,” The said be letting out a menacing laugh.
What the Main six saw was shocking.
The Thief had turned into a blue sea serpent, with sea foam spikes, red eyes, and a propeller like tail.
The sea serpent charged at the ponies, flaring its teeth fearsomely.
“Lean everypony!” said Twilight. Everypony did so and were able to dodge the beast. Who slammed his head on the wall.
“OW!!!!” he shock his and glared at the ponies. “Hold still!!!” he then opened his mouth and charged a white energy ball.
“We gotta move!” shouted Rainbow Dash.
The serpent fired the energy ball at the ponies. Thankfully they dodge.
The irritated serpent charged and fired more energy balls. They kept dodging. The serpent charged but missed. He tried charging multiple times. Failing each time. He then charged again and finally popped the bubble.
“Got you,” he said before seeing the wall. “Oh ding !” he then smashed into the wall “Wall,” he then slid down. The slam had hit the wall hard enough to crack it. Witch then drained all the water away.
The ponies took a giant breath of air.
“*Gasp* I thought we were done for!” gasped Rarity.
“Your not out of the water yet!” shouted the thief who had turned back into a chameleon. “Um so to speak,”
“Dive Missile !” the thief then threw a Dive Missile at Rainbow Dash.
“Gaahhh!” She screamed before flying a way quickly. Unfortunately the missile followed her. Even into the background.
“Um I uh,” said the confused thief as he watched,
“Excuse me!” Rainbow Dash said as she flew over the Thief, who quickly ducked.
“Hey watch where your- GAAAHHHH!” he said before the Dive Missile flew into his face.
Everypony giggled a little. Which got a look from the chameleon.
“Okay that was kinda funny,” he then jumped backwards and shouted, “Spread Drill!” as he shot a giant drill that slowly moved towards the ponies.
“Ha is that the best you can do?” scoffed Rainbow Dash.
The thief then snapped his fingers and the drill split into smaller, faster drills.
The ponies beryl dodged. But of the drills got in Rarity's hair and twisted it up.
“How,Dare, YOU!!!!!!!!” she screamed with rage.
“um hehe whoops,” said the thief, feeling rather intimidated.
Rarity used her magic to send the thief flying. He hit the wall with great force.
“So we're getting flashy eh?” he said. “Crystal Eye!” he then threw a blue crystal at Rarity.
It was about to hit her. But Applejack kicked it out of the way just in time. The crystal ball shattered into smaller balls the bounced around the room.
Everyone frantically tried to dodge them. One of the balls hit the Thief in the eye.
“Ouch! There's a crystal eye in my eye!”
“Huh how about that,” said Pinkie Pie as she hung from the ceiling.
“Ger, Metal Blades!” he said as he threw metal saw blades ate the ponies. Twilight stopped them with her magic.
“Isn't this a bit ex-stream?” she said as she put the down.
“Uh well.... errr whatever!” the Thief said before jumping on the ceiling.
“Crash bomber!” he then shot orange bombs that stuck to what ever they hit. They then began to explode.
Applejack then kicked a bomb at the thief. Which gladly stuck to its target.
“Aw come on!” said the thief before the bomb blew. “Bang !”
The thief then fell to the ground. He tried to get up but fell to the ground. He dropped the crystal in front of himself. “Yes we beat him”! Rainbow Dash cheered and then flew towards the crystal.
She tried to grab the crystal but then a dark spiky force field stopped her.
“Yow!” she said as she was pushed back.
“No!” the thief said loudly. “I must save them!” He said as he was getting up.
“Save who?” asked Pinkie Pie.
He then made the crystal levitate to him and he grabbed it. “The crystal!” said Twilight.
The thief then tried to swipe his arms to open a portal many times. “Give it up you have no where to go” said Applejack. “HERRR YAAHHH!!!!!”. He then finally made a portal but it looked different, darker and unstable.
He then jumped though. “wait!” said Twilight. The girls followed him though. The portal closed.
Then a blue robot boy walked in and looked around. “I could of sworn that Dr Wiley's robots where here,” said Megaman.

Inside the portal the girls saw the thief.
“Who do you need to save”? shouted Twilight.
The thief then looked back. “Why won't you ponies give up”?! the Thief asked. “Hey whys the portal so wired?” asked Pinkie Pie. “What, this portal is unstable, you need to get out!” said the Thief.
“Please let us help!” pleaded Twilight.
“Never, I don't trust any of you or any lousy creature!” Shouted the Thief. “I only trust them and I will save them!”
Then there was a bright light. “AAAAAHHHHHH” everyone screamed.
Twilight opened her eyes. “W-where I am?” she groaned.
What she saw shocked her. It was ponyvile only it looked like a wasteland. The grass was dry, the buildings where abandoned, and the sky was gray and cloudy .“w-w-what happened. Said Twilight. Then she noted that her friends where gone. “Pinkie Pie?” “Applejack?” “Rarity?” “Fluttershy?!” “Rainbow dash?!” she called out there names but there was no answer. “Where are you!”
But not too far away the thief was limping in pain. “I can't fail!” He groaned. Then a thought came to him “Oh why did I not think of this sooner”. he said as he pulled out the E-tank from early and drank it. He then got up in full health. “Ahh that's better,”
“I hope those girls are okay” he said. “Maybe I should go and see if there fine they maybe they really can help me,” he thought a moment “That purple one seemed pretty sincere, no no don’t go dreaming up fantasy boy” he said to himself. He then continued through the ruined world.
Twilight was still franticly looking for her friends. “Can't any pony hear me,” she cried.
“I can here you just fine,” said a voice that sent a chill down Twilight's neck.
Then suddenly on old face appeared. But it was not a friendly one.
It was Discord. A chaotic creature that had caused much pain and stress to Twilight and her friends. he had tried to take over Equestria and rebuild it in his own chaotic image. The beast was a mash-up of many dangers creature. But this time he seemed darker, had old white hair, beard was a bit longer, and his scene of fun was gone.
“I thought I got rid how the last of you,” he said in a voice that was more elderly.
“D-discord but me and my friends turned you to stone?” Twilight said feeling very frighten.
“But I was never,” Discord stopped. “O now I see your from another dimension”.
“Another dimension?” asked Twilight. “Yes you see this a world where you did not defeat me and I took over,” said Other Dimension discord.
“W-where are my friends!” Twilight demanded.
“O them?” he said. “I took there goodness away and trapped them in places allover!”
“No, that can't be!” said a shocked Twilight. “And I think, I’ll do the same to you!” said Discord as he touched her fore head and stole here color.
“No, I will stop you!” Twilight tried to use her magic but it was no use.
“I'd say nice try but it wasn't,” Discord mocked “and you know what, your are pathetic and no one likes you!”
Twilight was starting to tear up.
“You say friendship is magic, but where your friends now?” he mocked her. “Now get out of my sight, looser!”
Twilight then ran away, trying not to cry.
“Now that takes care of that”. Discord said as laughed evilly and disappeared. However not to far away on a hill The thief had seen the whole thing.
“What just” he couldn't even finish his sentence.
“But at least there final of my tail,” said the chameleon before he opened a portal. “Now my goals shall soon be complete,” He tried to feel happy.
He then looked back and frond. “But can really leave them like this sad,robbed of the personality, lonely?” The chameleon said.
“I'm the reason there in this mess and OOOWWW!” he felt a pain in his chest but shook it off. But they don't even care about me!” he said with rage. “They'd stab me in the back as soon as they were better!”
He then thought once more “But then again,” He then looked at the portal then look to where the Twilight ran to multiple times. “AAAAhhh ding-wall!!!!!!!!” He was then gone and the portal had closed.

Monday, July 20, 2015

My Little Pony Friendship vs Loneliness chapter 7 The Battle of Blobs

  • The girls were struggling to defeat the yellow devil.
    The devil was shooting shots from its eye. Pinkie Pie rolled over to the mega busters and used one to fire at the devil. “BUMOOOO!!!!” it said as it covered its I in pain. “Bumobumo!”
    “Well you started it,” said Pinkie Pie.
    “Bumo!” the yellow devil then split into blobs and shot towards the ponies.
    “Look out!” shouted Rainbow Dash.
    The ponies dodged. But Pinkie Pie and Rarity was caught in some of the blobs and went flying with them.
    “Whooaaa!” shouted Pinkie Pie.
    “Heeellp!” screamed Rarity.
    “Hang on!” shouted Rainbow Dash as she flew to them.

    Meanwhile on the second floor.
    The chameleon was knocked to the wall by mrk-2.
    “Ow!” he said. “Wheres an E-tank when you need it?” he said as he rubbed his head. Then a little red robot with a red head and black face walked up to the thief. His head opened up and a blue can with a black E fell near the thief.
    “Oh um, thanks Eddie,” he said as he put the E-Tank away. The robot the smiled and walked away.
    “Can't get serves like that nowadays, Yipe!” he said right before dodging the mrk-2's arm.
    “Hard Knuckle!” he then shot a blue fist at the mrk-2's eye. It impacted with great force. It cried in pain as it covered its bruised eye. It then began to split into blobs.
    “Oh no you don't, Charge Kick!” he then slid under the blobs to safety. The blobs then regrouped. And looked back in frustration at the smug chameleon.
    “Plug Ball!” he then shot some purple balls of electricity out of his hands at the mrk-2. The balls hit and made it shutter with pain. It then split into two walls of blobs on both sides of the room and tried to smash the chameleon.
    “Ah ding-wall!” he then shot his tongue at the ceiling and evaded the attack. The mrk-2 reformed and looked up with its one eye.
    “Remote Mine!” the Thief then threw a bomb that stuck to the mrk-2 then exploaded.
    “BUUMMOOO!!” it cried.
    The thief then landed on the the ground and slid back. “I got more tricks up my nonexistent sleeves” he said with a smirk.

    Back on the first floor.

    The ponies were still in a heated battle with the Yellow Devil.
    Rainbow Dash swerved to avoid the blobs as they shot across the room.
    “How much more can this thing take,” she said.
    “I hope not much more, this is getting dreadfully frantic,” added Rarity as she fired with the megabuster at the monsters eye.
    “No kidding!” said Applejack as she dodged the eye shots.
    “I sure could use some water about now,” said Pinkie Pie while she brushed some sweat off.
    “Wait water,” said Twilight. “Rainbow can you make a rain cloud?”
    “How will that help!?” Rainbow Dash asked.
    “Trust me!”
    Rainbow Dash then flew around in a circle and made a rain cloud. Witch then started raining on the Yellow Devil.
    “Bumooo?!” it shouted as it tried to keep the rain out of its eye.
    “Now Rainbow hit it with a thunderbolt!” said Twilight.
    “It will be super effective!” added Pinkie Pie.
    “On it!” she then stomped on the cloud and a thunderbolt zapped the Yellow Devil right in the eye

    “BUMOOOOOOOOOOOOO.OOO.OOO!” it cried before it exploded. Leaving a mess everywhere.
    “We did it!” shouted Pinkie Pie as the boss victory music played.
    “Did anypony else hear that?” asked Fluttershy.
    “Thank goodness that stuff didn't get in my hair, it would have taken weeks to get what ever that thing was out” said Rarity.
    “Come on we have to get to the next floor!” said Rainbow Dash.
    “Right,” said Twilight.
    “Ah haw,” said Applejack.
    “Okie doki loki,” said Pinkie Pie.
    “Okay,” said Fluttershy.
    “Yes let us proceed,” said Rarity.

    The ponies then proceeded to the next room.

    The girls had just made into the room the thief was in. “There he is”! said Rainbow Dash. The Thief was battling a yellow devil only it looked upgraded.
    “Hard knuckle!” The thief said as he grabbed his own wrist and shot a blue fist at the monster’s eye. The monster then exploded. “*pant* glad that’s over,” said the thief.
    “Whoa he just beat that thing signal handedly !” said Rarity.
    “Literary,” said Pinkie pie.
    “hm?” the chameleon said as his eyes looked towards the ponies. he then turned around to them. “O goodie you beat the Yellow devil”. He said with joy.
    “And that makes you happy”? Twilight asked.
    “Derrr I mean GAAHHH you’ve found me”! the thief said sounding nervous. Then a door appeared behind the lizard. “The crystal is mine !” he said as he ran to the next room.
    “Well that was strange,” said Rainbow Dash.
    “Indeed,” added Rarity.
    “Dose he really only care just about the crystal”. Twilight said to herself.
    “Lets go, we can't let him get away!” said Applejack as she ran ahead and was followed by the others.
    “Oh, right,” Twilight said before she joined the others.

    The thief had made it into the next room. It was a lot bigger and more had a more silver metal coloring. It also had what looked like a storm drain for the floor and the door was located on a platform high above.
    “*pant* wow I can't believe they beat the yellow devil,” said the thief. “Maybe if I asked for help they could”. The thief thought for a moment. “No ,all they want is the crystal, they would never help me” The crystal then glowed an even darker blue.
    The ponies made it into the room. The thief then used his tongue to get to the next dour.
    “Hey get back here”! Said Rainbow Dash. Then a small metal eye came down and blinked. “huh,” said everypony.

    Suddenly green goo came up from the flour and began to form the shape of a devil robot. “What is that thing?” Said Rarity. Then the eye moved into the blob,.

    Slimy gelatinous mass
    Green Devil

    “Oh no not another one!” said Applejack.0
    “At least this one is made of jello,” said Pinkie Pie. This got a confused look from the others.
    It blinked a few times. It made a angry look then attacked the ponies. “AAAAAHHHHHH!” They all screamed as they dodged the slimy arm
    Rarity fired some magic shots at the Green devil. But they had no effect.
    “We have to hit the eye remember!” said Twilight.
    “How are we suppose to do that!” said Rainbow Dash. “There to much goo!”
    “I know, I'll eat it!” said Pinkie Pie before she tried to run and chomp it. Thankfully Applejack stopped her with a lasso.
    “That's not Jello Pinkie Pie!” she said as she tried to restrain her.
    “Are you sure?” Pinkie Pie asked.
    The monster then dripped down the floor.
    “Wheres it going?” asked Fluttershy.
    Then the eye came down and made the goo spike up. The ponies barely dodged the slimy spikes.
    The eye then called the goo from the drain. It reappeared in the form of blobs that then lunged them self's at the ponies. The blobs slammed the ponies relentlessly. Then formed back in to the Green devil. The eye quickly moved into the body and then it oozed blobs at the ponies.
    “Watch out!” shouted Twilight.
    Then Pinkie Pie remembered the mega buster she had. “Oh yeah I almost forgot,” she then puled it out and started blasting the blobs to bits.
    “Awesome one Pinkie Pie!” cheered Rainbow Dash.
    “Keep it up Pinkie!” said Applejack.
    The Green devil took notates of this and grabbed the blaster and dropped it down the drain.
    “No!” said Twilight.
    “What do we do now?!” said Rarity.
    The Green devil was about to smash the ponies. When suddenly a dark blue tongue went though the slime and grabbed they eye.
    “Huh?” the ponies said.
    The tongue then retracted to the thief. who then took the eye and kicked it to who knows where. The slimy giant then melted down the drane pipe.
    “Okay what just happened!?” said Twilight.
    “Did he just,” Applejack said. The lizard looked at them. Then ran into the hall.
    “He saved us?” said Fluttershy.
    “The way he attacked the Green devil, I swear I've seen that somewhere before”. said Twilight.
    “Never mind that how is everypony but me and Fluttershy going to get up there”? asked Rainbow dash. Then suddenly stairs appeared.
    “Well that answers that,” said Twilight. The girls then proceeded to the next room.
    In the next room.

    “Ding-wall there almost here!” said the nervous thief. “and that beautiful Twilight has almost figured me out!” he started pacing “Though you've probably all ready figure it out, yes I am talking to you, the one reading this!” he said pointing at you. “you won't tell them anything right?” “and if you think you know how this is going to end, then your going to be very surprised”
    The ponies charged into the next room. “Stop right there!” demanded Rainbow Dash. The thief jumped with surprise.
    “Gerr don’t you pest give up!” said the Thief.
    “Give us the crystal!” demanded Rarity.
    “Rarity wait, let me try to reason with him” said Twilight. “Mr uh Chameleon, Why did you save us from the Green devil?” she asked as she approached the thief.
    “Yeah why'd a varmint like you save us”? added Applejack.
    ”Well um er I um eh you see um” the lizard started bumbling.
    “Because you wanted the all the jello to your self”! Pinkie Pie shouted. “DID’NT YOU!”
    Twilight just face hooved.
    “What that wasn't jello!” said the thief. “Well at least I think it’s wasn't jello, but then again I've never really tried jello before so there is that, and furthermore,” He continued to ramble.
    “Now’s are chance to strike”. whispered Rainbow Dash before she charged at the thief.
    “Rainbow wait!” shouted Twilight ,but it was to late.

Monday, June 22, 2015

The Cyber-Knights of Encouragement,! how to join

Hello once again

Today the internet as become polluted with evil, hatred filled comments and way to many swear worlds.

This has contaminated the minds of many. Myself included.

Well say lets put an end to this injustices! Now the way some may think is to send a tank of hatred to all the offenders. That would be very foolish because it would just please the trolls and make things worse.

The best way to snuff out the bad is not to add to it but to make more good

In the movie TomorrowLand. 

We learned that the mind (meteorically) has two wolfs. one is hope and goodness.

 They other evilness and despair.

 When the two fight, Which one will when? The one you feed more.

In simple terms the more good things there are, the more good thoughts there be and vice versa for the bad stuff.

So this why we need Cyber-Knights of Encouragement. 

to be one all you need to do is go around places like youtube.twitter,facebook and what not. then put nice comments and uplifting things all around on stuff you like.
it can be has simple has just putting in a smiley face like these :) :D

By doing this more good feelings will spread throughout the web and fill peoples hearts with joy and slowly end all the bad things.

be sure to let me know your progress.

with your help we can make the internet a better place.

I wish you knights good luck and may God bless you and your good deeds :)


Thursday, June 18, 2015

Art Request

Hello again

I'm really sorry I don't post much. But it seems reviewing isn't my thing.

But I have been writing lately and I hope you have been enjoying My Little Pony Friendship vs Loneliness.

I could use some inspiration and I did say I'd show some art.

So if there are any artist who have read my story. Please send my some art of the moments from. Please nothing M-rated, mean, or would not be family friendly.

Please keep all things E-rated and family friendly. :)

Just to let you know the chameleon in the story resembles this.

Only smaller and not as monsterus.

Send your art to

and I'll try to post it as soon as I can,

I can't wait to see the awesome art :D


Tuesday, June 9, 2015

My Little Pony Friendship vs Loneliness chapter 6 The Canyon of Cameos

The main 6 climbed out of the wreckage.
“Is everypony OK?” groaned Twilight.
“A little dirty but otherwise wer'e fine,” answered Fluttershy.
“OH how am I ever going to get this stuff out of my mane?!” whined Rarity.
“Aw pony up Rarity,” said Applejack. “I'm sure you mane care products back home will fix it,”
“That was awesome! Can we do it again ?” said Pinkie Pie
“Wheres the thief !?” said Rainbow Dash as she flew out of the wreckage.
Then they noticed something in the sky. The thief had turned into a giant purple bird with many golden tale feathers, and a mask. It was flying away with the darkend crystal in its talons.
“Is that the thief?” asked Applejack.
“What a beautiful bird,” said Fluttershy.
“My what marvelous colors,” said Rarity as she and Fluttershy admired the masked avian.
“He's getting away!” said Twilight
“Not for long!” said Rainbow Dash as she threw a rock at the bird. The rock hit with tremendous force. The thief then let out a cry and crashed far away in a canyon.
“Nice shot Dashie,” said Pinkie Pie.
“Its all in the hooves” bragged Rainbow Dash.
The ponies ran into the canyon after the thief.
The ponies had walked far through the canyon trying to find the thief. Applejack noticed that Twilight was falling behind.
“Who is he?” Twilight thought to herself. “Was he the one in my dreams or maybe?”
“Is everything okay Twilight”? She asked as she walked up to her.
“Oh, sorry, nothings wrong, it’s just there's something familiar about that chameleon,” said Twilight
“Familiar how?” asked Rarity as she and the others joined.
“I don’t know it’s like I've been around him before”. Twilight replied. “Like in one of my dream or something,”
“Maybe all the dimensional traveling is just messing with your head,” said Rainbow Dash.
“There were some pretty strange things happening yesterday,” said Fluttershy.
“That's probably why you feel like you've been around him,” said Applejack.
“Maybe,” pondered Twilight. “I don't know, it just really feels like I've been around him more than that”
“Maybe when we catch him we can ask that gecko if he's met you before?” suggested Pinkie Pie.
“I’m not a gecko!” the thief shouted from far ahead.
“There he is, Let’s get-em”! said Rainbow Dash.
“Right!” eveypony but Twilight said as they ran a head. Twilight nodded and said “Right!” As she ran ahead to catch up with they others .
“Don't worry sugar I'm sure you'll figure things out,” reassured Applejack.
“Thank you Applejack,” said Twilight with reassured smile.

Meanwhile up ahead.
“Man those girls don’t give up easy,” said the chameleon as he ran. “Y'know they almost remind me of….. no best not to think about them yet,” he shook his head at the thought. “Hey right here should be a good spot catch my breath”. He said as he came to a rock. “I wonder why the gem's powers won’t work?” he panted. “Well it's getting darker and more bluer within the crystal so that must mean it will work soon,”.
“There he is!” said Rainbow Dash. This startled the chameleon.
“Uh oh time to split,” He said before he bounded off.
The ponies had begone to up with the Thief.
“We've got you now!” shouted Applejack.
“That's what you think!” shouted the thief. He then pulled out a iPad-like device and started to type stuff in.
“What is he doing?” said Twilight.
Suddenly four legged jumping spider creatures appeared in-front of the ponies. The tektites lunged at the ponies.
“Aaahh!” they all screamed as they tried to dodge them. Thankfully they were able to evade.
“Nice try scaly,” taunted Rainbow Dash.
“Blast!” the thief then typed some more stuff and green bird shaped missiles appeared. Witch charged at the girls. They tried to evade again. However one was about to hit Fluttershy.
“Help!” she cried
“Oh no you don't !” said Rainbow Dash as she kicked the missile into another.
“Thanks Rainbow,”
“No problem Fluttershy,”
The thief had got some ground ahead of them. He slid to a stop and then typed some more stuff on his iPad. He then ran away swiftly.
As the ponies caught up,blue robots with yellow hats, caterpillar tracks, and drill noses jumped out of the ground.
“Look out !” said Rainbow Dash. The robots charged ate them. However they were slow robots. Which didn't prove to be much of a challenge.
Applejack bucked one into another letting out a strong “Yeahaa!” afterwords.
Rainbow Dash charged into them and knocked them down like bowling pins.
“Strike!” shouted Pinkie Pie.
Twilight blasted them to bits with her magic.
“When did she learn a money making spell?” asked Pinkie Pie. Not that kinda bits. “oh,”
“Retreat!” said the remaining robots as they jumped into the ground and dug away.
“Phew glad that's over,” said a relived Applejack.
“Come on he's getting away!” said Rainbow Dash before she flew after the thief.
Right before she caught up. What appeared to be a giant , gray, stone domino, with a angry face, big eye brows, round hands, short feet, and red eyes appeared in front of her and tried to slam its self on her.
“Whhaahh!” she screamed.
Applejack grabbed her by the tail and pulled her out of the way. Right before the Whomp slammed her.
“Thanks I owe you one” said Rainbow Dash
“Aww don't worry about it sugar”
“Hurry!” said Twilight as she ran ahead
“Right” they both said.
“Jinx!” shouted Rainbow Dash. Which got her an annoyed look from Applejack.
As the others ran ahead Fluttershy stopped for moment.
“Do you need help getting up?” she asked the Whomp.
“Nahh I'm good,”
“Oh ,okay, have a nice day, bye,” she flew to the others
“Thanks, bye bye,” it replied.
The ponies were gaining on the thief
“Come back!” shouted Twilight
“Oh my hooves are aching,” whined Rarity
“Not the time to complain Rarity,” said Applejack
“Sorry,” apologized Rarity
up ahead.
The thief was running out of tricks.
“Oh dear!” he said as looked back to see the ponies gaining on him. He quicly put away the ipad. “Oh come on come on where to go” he said while he looked around.
Then he saw a chrome tower with black eyes with red pupils.
“Yes nothing would ever go into the tower of devils”. The chameleon snickered as he sprinted in.
“Wait come back!” said Twilight as she ran in after him. Everypony began to go in. Fluttershy however stopped and nervously said,“S-should we really be going into the big, creepy, and scary tower”? Rainbow Dash flew back and grabbed Fluttershy.
“Come on Fluttershy !” She said.
The doors then slammed shut.
Inside the tower.
The chameleon was leaning on a wall.
“F-f-finally lost them,” he panted
“You so sure about that partner?” asked Applejack. The chameleon turned to see the ponies.

“Whaaaat!?” he gasped. “How could you have followed me into this tower!?!?” shouted the chameleon. “O dear maybe this was not the best plan,” He mumbled.
“Why does that voice sound so familiar,” Twilight thought to herself.
“Why it’s just a tower,” said Applejack.
“This is the tower of devils you fools!” the chameleon shouted like Skeleton. “Every devil robot is here!” “What in Celestia's name is a devil robot ?” asked Rarity.
“It’s a ... o …oh no .. no no no no no!” the chameleon started freaking out.
“Uh whats wrong with him”. Rainbow Dash asked.
“It’s its here aaahhhh!!!” screamed the chameleon.
“W-w-what’s here” ? asked Fluttershy also getting scared.
“Th-th-th-th ……the Yellow Devil!!!!” shouted the chameleon.
“The yellow what ?” asked Twilight.
“I’m getting out of here!” the chameleon said as he transformed it a green and orange metal armadillo like mole and jumped into the ceiling. Then suddenly yellow blobs started flying out of the left wall at the ponies
“Aaaahhhh!” they all screamed as they scattered. Thankfully the blobs missed them. “That was mighty close,” said Applejack.
“I don't think its over,” said a worried Pinkie Pie.
Suddenly the blobs formed into a round, yellow, one eyed, giant monster.
“Bumo bumo bumo!” the monster said.
Blobby reconstructing mas
Yellow Devil

“What is that thing!” screamed Rarity.
“Weren't you listening that’s the Yellow devil!” said the thief from the hole. “By the way you might need these megabusters,”. Then some round blasters fell near the ponies.
“What are these?” asked Fluttershy.
“And why did he say we needed them?” added Twilight.
“BUMOOOOOO0O0O!” The Yellow Devil shouted.
“Bumo bumo bumo bumo?” Pinkie Pie said. Unfortunately this somehow offended the yellow devil.
“Bumo bumo? Bumo?! BUMO BUMO BUMO!!! BUBUBUBUBUBUBUMOOOOOO!!!!!” it shouted and then tried to grab the ponies.
“What in Equstria did you say to him !?” shouted Rarity.
“Don't know,” she replied with innocent joy.
“Run!” screamed Twilight.
The ponies scattered as the monster tried to smash them.
On the next floor.
The thief jumped up from the hole the flour and transformed back into a chameleon.
“Glad I got away from that monster,” he said. “I sure hope those ponies are okay”. He grew a look of concern “Maybe I shouldn't have left them.” He paused for a moment . “Oh I’m sure they can handle themselves” he said perking up. “They beat me after all,” he grinned
“Wait whats that sound?” he alerted.
Suddenly yellow blobs shot at him. “Oh ding-wall not you again”!
They formed into a what looked like a different version of the yellow devil.
Major pain in the neck
“Yeah I couldn't resist,” the Thief chuckled. But the monster didn't like this and tried to stomp him. “Yipe!” he the jumped backwards. “Okay okay I'll play the real title!” he said “sheesh you think these things could take a joke,” he said as he snapped his fingers.
Upgraded blobby mech
Yellow Devil mrk-2
The mrk-2 then started shooting shots from its eye. Which the thief dodged be jumping up.

  1. “Alright lets Tussle!” he said after he landed and then took a battle stance. “Shame this part ends in a cliff hanger right?” he said as he looked at you and winked.  

Sunday, May 10, 2015

My Little Pony Friendship vs Loneliness. Chapter 5 MLP vs RPG

Chapter 5 MLP vs RPG
The thief ran up the stairs as fast as his two legs could go.
“H-h-ow could they beat me!??” he panted. He kept running til he got to the top of the fortress.
“Hurry he's at the top!” said Rainbow Dash as they were getting closer to the thief.
The thief looked frantically for way to escape. “Come on come on!” he said.
The ponies made it to the top the fortress. “We got you now,” said Rainbow Dash as she pointed her hoof at the chameleon.
“AAAAAHHHH!!!!!” he screeched as he jumped to face them. “S-st-stay back!” the panicking lizard said.
“Hand over the crystal,” demanded Applejack.
“Never !” said the lizard. “It's the only thing powerful enough that I can use to achieve my goal”.
“We're not going to let you use it to unleash the great evil !” said Twilight.
“Whah? Who said anything about me freeing that-” the thief started. Then suddenly the castle shook. It was being bombarded by cannon balls.
“Whaaahhh!” everypony and the thief said.
“Stop this immediately,” shouted Rarity.
“This isn't my doing!” said the thief.
The cannon balls where coming from a flying battle ship that had giant propellers.. “Oh ding-wall, not these guys”! said the thief.
“Ding-wall?” Twilight said confused.

Suddenly the ship slammed into the castle. “Whoa!” said thief and the ponies as they lost balance and fell into the ship and everything went black.
The Ponies had regained consciousness.
They all groaned as they got up.
“What happened?” said Fluttershy.
“it seems to be a ship,” answered Twilight.
“Hey where'd the thief go!?” said Rainbow Dash.
“I believe he fell on with us,” said Rarity.
Suddenly some strange monsters appeared on deck.
“Hey who's the girlys on Lord Bowser's ship,” said a sliver Armored Koopa with a spike on its helmet .
“They shouldn't be there,” said a Goomba that wore a green cap with a spike on it.
“Were sorry, we didn't mean to intrude,” said Twilight.
“Sorry ain't good enough toots!” said the Armored Koopa.
“Who ya calling toots!” retorted Applejack.
“It don't matter” replied the rude Armored Koopa.
“All that matters is that we give you the boot off of here!” said the Spiked goomba
“Well then, must you be so rude!” said Rarity
“We're not going anywhere!” said Rainbow Dash
“Oh so yous are going to be uncooperative eh?” said Armored Koopa
“Captain, there be stowaways on board!” he shouted. Then the captain of the ship came on deck. He looked like an armored koopa but his armor was dark purple ,he had a hook hand, a spiky red shell, red eyes, a pirate hat on, and spoke like a cliche pirate .
“I be the captain of this vessel and I won't have any girly ponies stowaways.” said the Captain.
The Thief had landed below deck. “Ey-yei-yei those girls put up a fight,” said the lizard as he rubbed his head.
“Well then, I better get..., hey where'd my RPG orb go?!” He said while checking the pockets he didn't have.
Back on deck.........
“Time to show you rainbow colored freaks who's boss!” said the Spiked Goomba.
“What did you call us!?!” shouted Applejack.
“You're so going down!” said Rainbow Dash.
“Bring it on flapjacks!” shouted the Armored Koopa.
“Just go ahead and wait flapjacks really?” said a confident and confused Twilight.
“Sounds good to me,” replied Pinkie Pie
“Enough chit-chat, I'm gonna be key-hauling ye swabbies!” shouted the Captain.
Suddenly a colorful orb rolled onto the deck. Then everything spun in a circle and the ponies and and crew were in an RPG style battle.
The ponies began fighting back against the crew .
Applejack bucked Spiked Goomba. It did 18 damage.
Twilight fired magic spell at Armorrd Koopa. It did 40 damage.
Spiked Goomba jumped on Rarity. It did 23 damage.
Rainbow dash charged at Captain. It did 25 damage.
Captain slashed with black cutlass at Rainbow Dash ! It did 50 damage.
Pinkie Pie used cupcake on Rainbow Dash. It healed 33 damage.
Armored Koopa used shell spin on Twilight. It did 20 damage.
Fluttershy used cuteness on Captain. Captain is paralyzed.
Spiked Goomba jumped on Applejack. It did 15 damage.
Rarity used dress magic. It doubled teams defense.
Rainbow Dash used thunderbolt cloud on Captain. It did 40 damage.
Applejack used super kick on Spiked Goomba. It did 70 damage to Spiked Goomba.
Spiked Goomba defeated.
Armored Koopa used super shroom on Captian. It Healed 50.
Captain is no longer paralyzed by cuteness.
Twilight used ice spell on Armored Koopa. It did 32 damage and froze Armored Koopa.
Fluttershy summoned Bear.
Bear used claw swipe on Armored Koopa. It did 40 damage.
Armored Koopa defeated.
Bear disappeared.
Captain used cannon fire! It did 90 damage to party.
“What party?” asked Pinkie Pie.
Pinkie Pie used cupcake rain. It healed 100 on party.
Captain got upset! Attack increased.
Captain used cutlass on Fluttershy. Did 165 damage.
Fluttershy fainted.
“Fluttershy!” shouted everypony.
“Now you're going to get it!” said Rainbow Dash.
“You can say that again!” added Applejack.
Party's Attack increased tremendously.
Applejack used super buck. It did 78 damage.
Rarity used Healing magic on Fluttershy. Fluttershy recovers.
Twilight used Flare. It did 100 damage.
Rainbow Dash used sonic rainboom! It did 9999999!
Captain defeated.
Ponies win!
All the ponies the celebrated.
Your Friendship level went up by 80.
Your power level went up by 40.
Your coolness went up 20%.
Gained items, cupcake.
Then the RPG battle ended and things were normal again.
“What kind of ponies are they?!” said the Spiked Goomba who was stuck to a wall.
“My shell hurts,” wined the Armored Koopa
“I ain't be beaten!” the Captain struggled to get up.
“We won!” cheered Applejack.
“Now to find that Chameleon!” said Rainbow Dash.

But bellow deck a green scaly hand pulled out the wiring for the big propellers.
“Whoa, AHHHH!” they all screamed.
“Oh no the experimental dimensional warp was on here” said the Armored koopa”.
“The what ?” Said Twilight.
The ship rumpled and tilted side to side. All the koopas and goombas fell of the ship. Which was then engulfed in a dimensional portal. The crew looked at the sky from a hill. “How are we going to explain this to lord Bowser ?” Said a Armored Koopa. The Captain just face-planted.
Back on the ship. The inside of the dimensional portal was a cyan color, with streams going forward.
“How do we stop this thing!” screamed Rarity.
“I don't know!” said Twilight in fear.
“We're coming to a clearing” said Rainbow Dash.
“Hang on girls!” shouted Twilight.
A bright light flashed.
The ship then appeared in a world with a canyon.
Before anypony could do anything. The ship then crashed into the canyon.

Thursday, April 23, 2015

My Little Pony Friendship vs Loneliness Chapter 4 Level 1-1

“Where are we ?” Twilight groaned. The ponies opened there eyes to see grass and blue sky with clouds.
“Did it work ?” asked Fluttershy.
“Aaww man, it didn't work.” Rainbow Dash complained. “We'er still in Equestria”.
“How are we going to catch the thief now?” said Rarity.
“Um girls, I don’t think we're in Equestria anymore”, said Applejack. Applejack was right. The clouds had smiles, there were brown mushrooms with teeth and feet, turtles that stood on two legs, and blocks with ?-marks everywhere.
“What is this place?” asked Fluttershy .
“Where in the mushroom kingdom!” said Pinkie Pie.
“How'd you know that?!” asked Rarity.
“Oh you know,” she replied with a giggle. which raised some strange and confused looks.
With in the distance Twilight could see a small fortress. “Wait” she squinted
she could see a chameleon tail go in. “there he is!” pointed Twilight.
“Then lets get him!” Rainbow Dash said before hitting a laiktu cloud.
“Hey watch where your going!” it said before flouting away.
“Oh um sorry?” Rainbow Dash said while rubbing her head.
“We need to be careful we don't know what creatures could be in this world”, Twilight said.
“I agree, we don't want to anger the locals,” said Rarity
“We better getting going, we don't want that lizard causing anymore trouble” said Applejack
“Well the let's a go!” Pinkie Pie said in an Italian ascent and a mustache on.
The ponies then continued until they came to a huge walls made of blocks
“Oh my how are why going to get over that?” asked Rarity
On the other side of the walls some brown mushrooms with fangs were talking.
“These walls will keep those mustachioed freaks out” said the first one
“Yeah maybe lord Bowser will give us a promotion,” replied the other mushroom .
Back on the ponies side.
“Hey maybe I can jump it” said Pinkie Pie
“Pinkie wait !” shouted Rainbow Dash
As Pinkie Pie jumped forward she bonked her head on a ?-block which made a big yellow mushroom pop up.
“Ow!” she said rubbing her head.
“Pinkie you need to be more careful”, said Twilight.
“You could have gotten your self hurt” added Applejack

Then the mushroom fell on Applejack and made her grow giant. “ Hey whats going on!?” she said as she grew to a giant size.
“WHOAAA!” said Applejack
“this is terrible”! Said Twilight
“Yeah I want to grow gigantic!” said Pinkie Pie
“I don't think I like this, Whoa!” she said as she toppled onto the walls.
“I thought those walls were unbreakable” said the Goomba
“ Lets scram!”
They tried to run but the walls slammed them all the way to the Bean Kingdom.
Thankfully Applejack had returned to normal size
“Applejack!” they all said as the rushed to her side

“Don't worry I'm fine,” Applejack reassured “Being giant is lot better then being tiny, I can tell y'all that”
“How could a simple mushroom cose you to grow to giagantic proportion?” asked Twilight
“I don't know, its crazy then a jackrabbit named Ricky”,
“At least you broke down the walls,” said Rainbow Dash.
“Well I think I've had just about enough of this world,” replied Rarity
“Oh I don't know if its that bad,” said Fluttershy not noticing the boo making funny faces behind her, who disappeared when she looked.
“The sooner we get the thief the sooner we can leave,” said Twilight
“Well lets get going then!” said Rainbow Dash. This time she waited for the laktui to float by.
“Thank you miss,” he waved as flouted by.
Suddenly a hammer hit Rainbow Dash in the face. “Ow what the, who threw that!”
It was another turtle. But it had on a helmet and was throwing hammers. “Just WHAT do you think your doing!” shouted Fluttershy
“What?” said the hammer bro.
“Somepony could get hurt by one of those hammers!” Fluttershy was right at the hammer bro and ready to stare.
“I have half a mind to go tell your mother what you've been up too!” she scolded
“Well um I,”
“Now you apologizes and stop causing so much trouble, AM I CLEAR!!!” she was now using the stare.
“ I'm sorry, I'm sorry!” the hammer bro whaled “I'm getting out of here, these ponies are worse then those two plumbers!” he said as he darted off.
There was a minute of silence.
“Well then, lets keep moving”, said Twilight
the ponies then continued.

“Hey wheres Pinkie Pie ”? Asked Fluttershy.
Pinkie was on a stair shaped pile of blocks bouncing a koopa shell and pulling off the infinite life trick.
“Pinkie com on!” said Rainbow Dash.
“Awww!” Pinkie then jumped off the shell and over to them. The koopa had just stopped spinning.
“I knew I should have worked for the Count,” said the koopa.

The ponies had finally reached the gates of the fortress.

“We've made it,” said Twilight
“Boy that's one big fort,” said Applejack
“Um are you sure he's in there?” asked Fluttershy
“Maybe he used a magic flute to skip ahead,” said Pinkie Pie
“Okay someones making too many references!” shouted the chameleon from inside. “I'm suppose to be doing that!”
“Yeah I think he's in there”, said Rainbow Dash.
“All right lets be ready for anything girls !” said Twilight
“Right!” the others agreed

The big blue metal doors slowly opened
The ponies went in.

The main 6 had finally found the thief within the fortress like castle.
“Come on, come on, work, Work!” the chameleon said, while banging the darkened gem on the floor. He then noticedhe 6 ponies that were behind him. “Yipe!” he screamed has he turned around. “Persistent bunch aren't you”, he said.
“Give us back that crystal !” Applejack demanded.
“Sorry, but I think need it’s powers a bit more than you do”, the thief replied.
But why do you need it?” asked Twilight.
“None of your business !” the thief shouted.
“Then we'll just have to take it” said Rainbow Dash.

“Just go ahead and try !” he then snapped his fingers.
mysterious shape-shifting reptile

Then 6 green mushrooms landed on the main 6.
“AAHHH!” they screamed.
“Huh, nothing happened ?” asked Pinkie Pie.
“Why did you...” but before Twilight could finish, the lizard jumped on to the walls and to the celing out of sight. Then three dark blue tongues came down and started attacking them. They all screamed and scattered. “wait try grabbing one of the tongues”, Twilight said.
“Okie doki”, Pinkie said as she grabbed one of the tongues and pulled it. Unfortunately it revealed a blue bomb at the end. Which then exploded and sent Pinkie Pie flying. “Wheee !” she screamed as she went flying by the others.
“Pinkie!” Twilight said.
“Don’t worry she’ll be fine”. reassured Applejack.
“it is Pinkie Pie after all”, said Rainbow Dash. After the girls failed many times, Rainbow grabbed the right tongue and pulled down the thief.
“Giiyah”! the creature said while being pulled down. Applejack then kicked the lizard many times. After taking many blows the thief jumped back on the walls and out of sight and sent down the tongues again. The ponies tried to pull down the thief but had failed. The thief then jumped down , curled into a ball with his spike showing, then did a spin dash.
“Oh horse feathers” said Applejack. The thief then charged
He swerved around the room a few times but had failed to hit anypony.
He then uncurled a as dizzy. Pinkie Pie then pulled out her party cannon
“Surprise!” she then blast cake batter on the chameleon. It splattered on is face. He the licked it off and said “Mmmm cookie cream,”

“Oops I mixed up the confetti and cake batter again”,
“hm Oh well,” the Thief said
Rarity tried to blast the beast but he was to fast and dodged them all.
He then tried to jump to the wall but accidentally hit Fluttershy. “Yyyaahhhhh!” they said has they went down.
“umf pardon me”, he said as he jumped off Fluttershy. Rainbow Dash then charged him and sent him into a wall. Which he got his head stuck in.
“Erf erf hope this doesn't come of again oomff!” he said trying to unstuck himself. Applejack then grabbed his tail, pulled him out, and swung him like a lasso. “Whoa whoa whoa!” he shouted as he spun.
Applejack then threw him at the wall. “OOWW!” He grumbled after he hit then slid down.
“Nice one AJ!” said Rainbow Dash. Applejack smiled back.
The thief tried to get up and fire a a dark blue charge beam but before he could Twilight shot one more magic blast.
“YAAAARRRHHH!” the thief screamed as he fell off screen.
“Yes we got him”! cheered Rainbow Dash.
“Yeahaa!” said Applejack.
“Now lets get the crystal and go home,” said Rarity
Then suddenly a blue tongue shot out from below and grabbed the crystal.

“Oh no!” said Fluttershy. Then the thief reappeared and ran up the wall to a higher floor.

Thursday, March 19, 2015

My Little Pony Friendship vs Loneliness chapter 3 Strike of the Chameleon

“Huh !?” everypony gasped.
The tongue retracted to the ceiling. “Yes it's mine at last!!!!!” said a loud voice. The invisible creature started crawling away.
“Somepony stop him” Rarity said dramatically. The guards then fired their magic where the gem was, trying to stop the thief. but the strange foe was moving too swiftly in moving to hit.
“Hey give that back!” Twilight said as she charged her magic and blasted the unseable foe.
”Yeeyoow !!!“ the creature cried in pain. The blast had caused him to fall to the floor. Then the invisibility disappeared reveling a slightly dazed chameleon. He was tall, he was around the size of spike when he had that growth spurt but wasn't quiet that big, had yellow eyes with black pupils, a small yellow horn, green skin with some yellow mixed in, his chest and belly were yellow, and there was a small curl in his tail. He sprang up on to his hind legs and scanned around nervously . “No you shall not have me!” the monster cried. He then made several small dark blue spheres of energy appear and launched them at the guards, disabling them.
“I will stop him!” Princess Celestea said. She blasted a giant magic beam at him. The creature retaliated by blasting a huge dark blue beam back hers. The beams collided with great rage but the dark beam was too much for the alicorn and it easily blasted her back. She cried in pain as she was forced to the wall.
“Princess Celestea !” the main 6 and Spike cried. They rushed to her side.
“Don’t worry about me, I’ll be fine,”
As they comforted the princess, Pinkie Pie shouted out, “Hey what about the thief ?!” As soon as they realized that the chameleon still had the crystal he had jumped out the window into the garden. As the crook was falling he suddenly transformed into what appeared to be a motorcycle with one wheel and two eyes on its side. It then began to drive away.
“We have to stop him!” Twilight said.
“On it!” Said Rainbow Dash as she darted toward the wheeled creature. “You ain't getting away that easy,” she said as she charged it. The creature then spun out and transformed back to the chameleon.

“YEAOuch!” The Thief said.
Applejack then tossed her lasso and grabbed the thief. “You ani’t going no where!” she said
“What oi let me go!” the thief shouted.
The thief struggled to escape from the blond pony’s grasp. He transformed into a sea serpent, a bird shaped jet, and a giant cruse ship. Then the monster turned into a light bulb then into a pile of cube shaped TNT !
“What the hay?!” Applejack said before she was blown away by the explosion. Then as the TNT was flying one of the blocks transformed into a big blue long armed mole which then tunneled into the ground.
“We can't let him get away!” said Twilight.
“Right!” Replied everypony.

They chased the tunneling creature. The mole spun out of the ground, transformed back into the chameleon, and slammed the ground which made a transparent dark blue wall surround him and blocked off the ponies.

The thief then slashed his arms in a X and opened a portal. “He he he, the fate of all dimensions is about to change,” the lizard snickered before he jumped though.
“NO, he's gone !” shouted Twilight.

The ponies had returned to the throne room. “I'm sorry your highness, the thief got away,” Said Twilight
“What was that thing anyway?” asked Rainbow Dash.
“I do not know,” said Celestia. “though it appears to not be from this world”.
“Not from this world?” Said Fluttershy.
“There are many other worlds beyond Equstria,” said the Princess as she used her magic to create a hologram showing many spheres with worlds in them. “This creature seems to have not just the power to shape shift but the ability to travel from world to world,” she said as the a hologram of the thief appeared.
“A creature from another world ?” Said Twilight.
“That's lovely and all but,” started Rarity
“How are we going to catch him?!” finished Rainbow Dash

“The same way he escaped,” said Celestia
“Huh?” said everypony. Celestia then used her magic and created a portal like the one the thief had made.
“You must catch the creature and not allow him to use the crystals power for evil”,
“We won't let you down,” said Twilight.
“Please com back safe,” said Spike.
Don't worry, we'll be fine,” reassured Twilight.
Besides we've fought much worse things before, we can handle a silly chameleon,” said Rainbow Dash.
“Aw hu,”
“Oki doki,”
“Of course darling,”
“mm hm,” the others said each in there own way.
“lets go girls,” said Twilight.

The ponies then jumped into the portal. They went through a colorful vortex. Then everything went dark.